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The Lions Roar


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Hiya, long time no post. Thought I'd throw up some pics of my DIY Chapter ; The Lions of Donnachad.


Chapter Master (Counts as- Lysander)










Terminator Squad (Counts as Terminators)




Scout Squad (Counts as- Scouts)




Tactical Squad (Counts as- Tactical Squad)




And finally my Counts as- Venerable Dreadnought.....


A Venerable Dreadnought




Cheers for looking


Rob (Counts as- Brother Duncs)


P.S oh and an Army Shot



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While I don't geht the humour of the counts-as pun, I think they look this: Great. Very good colouring. And very good faces.


Few suggestions: If you don't drill your barrels, at least I would make a black dot to represent the muzzle. And on your dreadnought's assault cannon there's a visible gap which I would try to fix (maybe this new liquid green stuff might work).

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Cheers for the kind words. I haven't yet decided on what the chapter symbol should be. I was thinking a lions head, but on Space Marine I've given them a White Templar cross which looks quite nifty. They have very little background apart from some Welsh names, one of the Terminators is called Araf which is Welsh for slow. But I'll be looking to flesh it out at some point along with an Assailt Terminator squad and a Landraider Crusader.
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Cheers, originally they were going to based purely on a Scottish theme (as you can probably tell from the name), but being Welsh I thought, "heck why not give em Welsh names, they're from the far future anyways". I want to throw in a few Celtic references but try to keep away from the barbarian/Space Wolves look. I'm looking more toward the Owain Glyndwr and Robert the Bruce. So I may invest in the Black Templar upgrade kit for some more knightly looking bits. The ideas are still buzzing about in my head so Ill just throw a load of stuff at them and see what sticks.
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Cheers guys, there will be more, hopefully I'll be able to post up my Assault Termie Sarge when I get home tonight. As for the red, the simplest way to achieve a good, solid coverage is to basecoat with mechrite red and then go over that with a 75/25 of Blood Red and Mechrite Red. The little bit of Mecrite will strengthen the opacity of the Blood Red. After that it's the usual blazing orange highlight adding in some bleached bone near the very edges. Hope that helps a bit.
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Haha woe betide those who would dare cross the Fiery Loins! Cheers mate. I did consider special weapons such as the Oval Orb of Dyfed and the inner sanctum Re-leek-uary but my sensible side keeps telling me not to. :lol:


But I said i'd get up a picture of the Assault Sarge tonight, so here he is;








I've still got to do the scroll work on him, alas i have to venture out tomorrow to get a new pen as my cat has decided to hide mine for no apparent reason other than he can. There'll be one more Lightning Claw guy and the rest will be Thunder Hammers as I plan to roll them with a Chaplain in a Landraider. Smashy smashy!

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Cheers buddy, they're from the Furioso kit the go over the fore arms of the blood talon arms, I figured they looked just about right for some Termie Armour.


Also here's a marine I painted up today. I think he'll just be a Sergent but I wanted quite an ornate looking Squad Leader, he was originally going to be another Astral Claws Captain but I figured I have enough of those.













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Hi guys I thought I'd throw up a pic of the Tactical Squad so far. I replaced the BP + CS Sarge for the Powersword + Storm Bolter combo, just cos it looks cooler. 3 more guys and I'll have a full squad.







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Cheers mate, once again I'm just throwing bits i've got together to make an army on the cheap. Lots of old DA bits, and my chaplain is the old, old Terminator one. Do you think I should find a bigger base for him? At the moment he's on the one supplied but its only the small one. Still here's a pic of the second Assault Termie finished.




And here's a pic of the Chaplain though he's not finished. I'd like some opinions on him. Oh, and my Chapter don't like Orks, no sir.




Also here's some pics of some old HQs.


A Counts-As Vulkan




A Thunder Hammer & Bolter Captain :



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Aye no probs mate. I basecoat the yellow parts with Calthan Brown, for the next coat I put about a 50/50 Calthan Brown and Iyanden Darksun. Each successive coat has a bit more Iyanden Darksun until you have pure Iyanden Darksun. I give all the recesses a liberal wash of Devlan mud and once that's dried I touch up any messy bits with more ID. Any highlights are a mix of Bleached Bone and ID. Hope that helps, it took me while to get it right but I'm pleased with the tone I'm finally getting. Cheers
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