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Anger at DE


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So played a game today, 2k points, against a DE friend of mine, who has recently swapped from nurgle CSM.


He has vect, 3 haemanoculi, 3 venom units (the blaster spam ones), a unit of wracks, a couple of raiders, 3 void bomber thingies and some jet bikes (at this stage I had read the DE codex once), please note that this is a rough summary, almost every unit had massive levels of upgrades.


We played the dual objective mission on pitched battle.


I used draigo, a librarian, 10 paladins, 10 terminators, 5 terminators and 2 dreadnoughts (psyflemen) (I was slightly over on points, but he said he was as well so we let it slide).


I chose to deep strike my army, and bring my dreads on from reserve in order to get an alpha strike on those scary bombers, and their implosion "bombs".

This was a mistake, as after doing so I discovered that they were not bombs and in fact 4 individual missiles, which caused a wounds test or instant death. Cue immediately loosing my entire paladin deathstar from a vehicle shooting 4 blast templates (that i thought i had avoided by immobilising their vehicles).


I quickly conceded this game realising my error, and that I basically had no chance at pulling it back.


We had a rematch, with me understanding the mechanic of the missiles and spreading my terminators to minimised the massive casualties.


5 turns later I was in a winning position, turn 6 was a draw, and turn 7 was a loss, But I couldn't stop thinking how massively powerful the DE seemed.


I got home, pulled out my dex and did a few sums. First off, I discovered that he had 3 HQ choices, Second I discovered he was at least using a 2800 point army :HQ:.


Moral of the story:


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3 HQs?


I'll admit I don't have the book in front of me, but he has either four or two. :) I thought you could get multiple Haemonculi as a single HQ choice? If not, then he has four HQs. If yes, then two sounds like a really odd number for a multiple character in single slot choice...


As for playing a 2800 point list, I've got nothing, unless he really screwed up his maths (which I have done on occasion). Cheating bastard.

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He has vect, 3 haemanoculi, 3 venom units (the blaster spam ones), a unit of wracks, a couple of raiders, 3 void bomber thingies and some jet bikes


Damn, sounds like a brutal DE list. They tend to take most Knight armies apart by default, so you were already pushing uphill a little just deploying opposite, nevermind composition.


I used draigo, a librarian, 10 paladins, 10 terminators, 5 terminators and 2 dreadnoughts


Precisely the list DE like to take apart. Elite infantry are their bread and butter.


I chose to deep strike my army, and bring my dreads on from reserve in order to get an alpha strike on those scary bombers, and their implosion "bombs".

This was a mistake, as after doing so I discovered that they were not bombs and in fact 4 individual missiles, which caused a wounds test or instant death. Cue immediately loosing my entire paladin deathstar from a vehicle shooting 4 blast templates (that i thought i had avoided by immobilising their vehicles).


:) Sounds like he really planned this one out. Implosion missiles are usually kinda eh and overpriced, but against multi-wound rocks like Paladins, they're golden.


I got home, pulled out my dex and did a few sums. First off, I discovered that he had 3 HQ choices, Second I discovered he was at least using a 2800 point army .


Nah, his list is legal, just over the point limit. Vect is one HQ, 3 x Haemonculi is a 2nd HQ (they're like Sanguinary Priests). You should discuss point-level with him though, as it's a common thing in friendly games.

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Like i said it was a rough list (not to be relied upon)


But ill be more specific.


One of the haemonculus was urien rakarth.

He had vect's special raider (which he had bought flicker field and night shield for, something I'm told is also illegal),

loaded with two medusaie, and 7 incubi including a kalaivex, with both murderous assault ans onslaught. (which im pretty sure is also illegal, being two units)

the other two haemonculus had a pair of husk blades, a hex rifle and a crucible.


So with my maths his hq was 1049 pts (including incubi).


Troops were:

about 10 wracks with raider with night shield and flicker field.

and a 5 man kabalite unit with blaster, with a venom with twin splinter cannons and night shields


So total there was 315


Elites were:

2x true born 5 with 3 blasters, heywires and a splinter cannon with a twin splinter cannon and night shields


total 400


Fast attack:

2x reavers 3 with champion, agoniser, heat lance and cluster caltrops

total 256


Heavy support:

3x razor wings with 4 implosion missiles, night shields and flicker fields

total 855



so total army 2875 pts.


I don't think this was deliberate on his part (least I hope it wasn't), as he is new to the army like I say, but it annoyed me, cause it broke a winning streak since march.

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One of the haemonculus was urien rakarth.


Ah, yes, that would be classified as cheating.


He had vect's special raider (which he had bought flicker field and night shield for, something I'm told is also illegal),

loaded with two medusaie, and 7 incubi including a kalaivex, with both murderous assault ans onslaught. (which im pretty sure is also illegal, being two units)


Dude must be extremely high, because;


Vect's Raider can't be fielded without him, and it can't be upgraded lol.

You need an Archon for retinue, and yes they are a seperate unit.

Incubi are an Elites choice, and a seperate unit.


the other two haemonculus had a pair of husk blades, a hex rifle and a crucible.


He can only take one husk blade, and I'm unsure but I think crucible is one per army deal.


about 10 wracks with raider with night shield and flicker field.

and a 5 man kabalite unit with blaster, with a venom with twin splinter cannons and night shields


Perfectly legal, if a bit light on dudes.


2x true born 5 with 3 blasters, heywires and a splinter cannon with a twin splinter cannon and night shields


Same, although Trueborn blaster spam isn't that surprisingly against Knights. It's their answer to Fire Dragon spam the Craftworlds carry on with.


2x reavers 3 with champion, agoniser, heat lance and cluster caltrops


Suicide units


3x razor wings with 4 implosion missiles, night shields and flicker fields


Definitely planned, most players take dark lance spam on Ravagers.


I don't think this was deliberate on his part (least I hope it wasn't), as he is new to the army like I say, but it annoyed me, cause it broke a winning streak since march.


Sounds like he was on combat drugs and reading both the old and new codices simultaneously. And hey, props to you even drawing level in your later games against him. Illegal list in every sense of the word, and so obviously designed to slaughter you too (against other armies those Razorwings would be close to useless).

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  confused_gordy said:
Like i said it was a rough list (not to be relied upon)


But ill be more specific.


One of the haemonculus was urien rakarth.

He had vect's special raider (which he had bought flicker field and night shield for, something I'm told is also illegal),

loaded with two medusaie, and 7 incubi including a kalaivex, with both murderous assault ans onslaught. (which im pretty sure is also illegal, being two units)

the other two haemonculus had a pair of husk blades, a hex rifle and a crucible.


Just as an addendum to the previous post, the Court of the Archon (the unit Medusae are from) is four models strong at minimum, and none of them are Incubi: One of the reasons people don't take the Court of the Archon is that it requires you to waste points on at least one Lhamean and one Hound - you need at least one of each model to field the Court, meaning that the awesomely killy Sslyth and deviously deadly Medusae are saddled with useless Lhameans and sub-optimal Hounds... Hounds aren't called that, I just don't remember what they should be called.


You can take a Court with Vect, since he is an Archon, though.


It's possible that he was being confused, since in the previous DEldar codex, the Archon could take an Incubus retinue. In fact, that's what Incubi were.

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