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Mephiston & Grey Knights


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What? Mephiston at 250pts doesn't crush a 700pt death star unit on his own? I am appalled at his uselessness! Drop him immediately!


....read the article before you comment in the thread please. It's pretty wel written.


not sure about that Mephiston although unable to crush a paladin unit might actually be a plausible way to finish it off, or give it a solid bloody nose. 6 Str 10 attacks could fairly solidly harm a bunch of T4 Multi wound models with mid level invuls.


(I continue to lack the energy to outlink to another place :3 If y'all wanna use the boards to promote a blog or whatever thats fine but you need to at the very least put a teaser out there so I can become interested. Otherwise its a bit ridiculous to expect this board to service your blog promoting needs.)

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@Bob - I'll remember that if I ever want to use a forum to promote my blog


@Vaga - and yet Crynn's article looks at how you can actually use him. Sure a strike squad has a chance to kill him in one fell swoop - this is obviously higher with a hammer but first you need to be alive to do this. Meph tears through 5-man MEQs without invuls no matter their color. Even if a hammer survives and can attack Meph (which Crynn explains how you can minimise in his article - particularly if there are only large squads about) the chances are in Meph's favor. First you have to hit (50/50 though MC improves this), wound (5/6 - pretty easy), pass a psychic test (Ld9 pretty easy but the fails are stacking up here) and the pass the Hood test (something like 2/5 due to Ld9 v Ld10). Yes there's a chance it will ID meph and over the course of the game it will likely happen, particularly if keep throwing Meph at large squads with hammers which can survive to hit him or a squad he cannot wipe out in a fell swoop (i.e. large squads, squads with invuls, etc.).


This is what Crynn's article looks at. Meph isn't useless by any stretch of the word against GK. Yes he has no invul. yes he's vulnerable to ID. Work around these limitations and he's still going to churn through small Purifier/Strikes/Interceptor squads and will still put a dent in Terminators/Paladins. Now maybe bring some support along to direct attacks away from him and he can even take on larger squads without dying.


Or you could read the article and have read this already.

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Mephiston also creates a great distraction. And if he can reach the back lines of a GK army he can tear up some dreads. Against Small units he does just fine, and most GK armies I see are MSU (either henchman, or purifier spam) or Deathstar backed up by smaller units. So long as Meph can get the charge he really does ok for the most part.
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This may sound weird, but I find GK's one of the best matchups overall for Mephiston. Yes really. They simply can't really kill him with shooting unless they fire everything at him for 2 turns or so (depending on the list of course) and GK's often don't have a Psychic Hood. This means that *at least* Mephiston is a nearly unkillable Psychic Hood, while he threatens with S10 attacks up to a range of 24". You could play defensive with him untill he can 'safely' start beating stuff up later in the game you know, for example. The people who say Mephy sucks against GK's only do 1 thing it seems: "ASSAULT!!! I payed 250 points for him, I need to get that back as soon as possible!!! Oh snap he died.'"


Yeah, throw him at units which can kill him and he'll die, surprising huh? But if you do that then maybe this game isn't the right game for you :D You don't throw Dreadnoughts at Deamon Princes either right?

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The reason I didn't read the article was because it all looks good on paper until it actually happens on the battlefield. I wasn't talking about the article, I was talking about Mephiston Vs Grey Knights in general.


He is completely useless against Grey Knights as he can be taken out by basic Troops and also because he has no Inv Save and not immune to Instead Death.


Put Mephiston against some of the common GK lists and watch his crumble.


I was making my point clear


Yes well that's all well and good on paper until it actually happens on the battlefield.


If you let a model with a 19-24" charge range get charged by Grey Knights you need to go back to Tactic School.


Psychotroke Grenades CAN ruin his day, but you know which units have grenades. It will only ever be 1 or 2. Avoid them. Bring them down with fire. Really Mephiston should be getting into combat against GKs turn 3 at the earliest after you have used your shooting to slow down his forces and lessen the threat of getting counter-charged.

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