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What's the best way to run Dante?


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I'm trying to figure out the best squad to run with Dante. Sanguinary Guard? Honor Guard? Assault Squad? What?


This is what I was thinking


Honor Guard:


Jump Packs

Chapter Banner

meltagun x1

infernus pistol x2

thunder hammer

power sword x2


Total: 295


What are you guys thoughts? I tried to make it melta heavy to take advantage of Dante's Tactical Precision. It's also a sort of deathstar, but what do you guys think?

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I'm new to BA but I think it's too spread out. I've been considering making an Honor Guard unit as well but I think that you have to go one way or the other (with any unit, though). I'd say drop the melta gun and infernus pistol and go on as is for the remainder of the squad or drop the special weapons and get those 4 melta guns you can fill them up with. If you do that then there is a unit that can deepstrike or drop pod and has a solid chance of killing any tank out there. Bye bye Land Raider.


Dante would make sure they land where they want to if you're going DoA but I personally will try Dante with a 10 man Assault Marine squad with maybe a Sanguinary Priest. This way they can still melta something pretty well, 2 meltas and 1 infernus from Dante but they're big enough so that they should survive a counter assault and hopefully any ranged fire they attract what with 12 bodies and feel no pain. I haven't tried it though, I guess I'm just playing the numbers. Hope that helps!

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What are you guys thoughts? I tried to make it melta heavy to take advantage of Dante's Tactical Precision. It's also a sort of deathstar, but what do you guys think?


The problem with using him like that is that he is very exposed to any counter charge and then he gets sniped out of the squad. Dante needs a lot of padding from extra bodies or invul saves (stormshields).

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I really like running danet with a full 10 man RAS squad, backed up by a priest.


Its a picey unit overall, but it is really good.


Dante 225

10 RAS - Fist, 2 MG - 235

Priest - JP, PW - 90


If i'm playing bigger games and/or i'm not using Mephiston, I will throw a libby into this mix as well.


My reason for playing a big squad like this is so that Dante always gets to use the Hit n Run ability if necessary. Often, as kiklly as HG are, they're just too small and take too much fire on the turn they're down.


There def. needs to be grail nearby.

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I've had some success with honor guard. I've used quad-melta with some success but I feel like it doesn't make the most of the sanguinary priest. A pair of melta guns plus Danta's IP is usually enough to slag most tanks, and I've been toying with the idea of sticking a power weapon and a blood champion in. If you throw in a chapter banner in the mix I bet that will probably have a fair amount of punch to it. However I'm just theorizing at this point.
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I really like running danet with a full 10 man RAS squad, backed up by a priest.


Its a picey unit overall, but it is really good.


Dante 225

10 RAS - Fist, 2 MG - 235

Priest - JP, PW - 90


If i'm playing bigger games and/or i'm not using Mephiston, I will throw a libby into this mix as well.


My reason for playing a big squad like this is so that Dante always gets to use the Hit n Run ability if necessary. Often, as kiklly as HG are, they're just too small and take too much fire on the turn they're down.


There def. needs to be grail nearby.


I've been running Dante the same way Morticon does (he probably suggested it to me) though mine is actually pricier as my sergeant has a Thunder hammer and infernus rather than the fist.

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Dante 225

10 RAS - Fist, 2 MG - 235

Priest - JP, PW - 90


Thats the way I like to run him.


Makes them a really versatile unit.


Drop near any tank and bye bye.


Drop exactly where you want to so you can dictate a charge against an enemy 12+ inches so aslong as their infantry they can't charge you. Weather the shooting with your FNP and then attack use you Hit and Run

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Sanguinary Guard, period. 4-5 Infernuspistols are rubbish as you can't split fire. One in the squad, one on Dante himself(at BS 5!). Banner, Priest.


Hit the squishy stuff hard(everything but vehicles), run from the walkers. Two Meltapistols for tanks. Nice yet expensive squad.






Fair enough yeah they can be expensive but they will blow most things up the turn they come down and be able to take a charge from heavily armoured infantry and then Hit & Run the following turn.


Dante if used correctly is fantastic!

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My reason for playing a big squad like this is so that Dante always gets to use the Hit n Run ability if necessary.


Not sure what you're getting at here.


I think what he meant is, situationally of course, having a larger more durable squad will allow Dante and his unit to soak up shots after they've landed and blasted people but if they get assaulted and it's too hairy he can choose to hit and run after getting assaulted and either run away to find cover, a squishier target or to assault back in to get the +1 A and hopefully +1 S and + 1 I from the Priest (assuming he's still alive).


I forget who posted it now but DC with Dante sounds like a lot of fun but how does the rage rule work with hit and run?

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I forget who posted it now but DC with Dante sounds like a lot of fun but how does the rage rule work with hit and run?


Rage only takes effect in the movement phase, where you have to move the unit closer towards the nearest enemy unit you have LOS to.

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Fair enough yeah they can be expensive but they will blow most things up the turn they come down and be able to take a charge from heavily armoured infantry and then Hit & Run the following turn.


Dante if used correctly is fantastic!


They will most likely blow up most things, but I feel that 5 Infernus Pistols per squad are just too much(well, except for pure SG armies) in most cases and not needed. I mean, if 2 work, why spend the points on 4 more only to target priority number one? The tank will blow up, that is out of question. After that, the rest of the army will make sure that this unit won't see another round, even with 2+ armour and FnP. It's just too expensive to work as a throw-away unit such as sternguard is.


I feel Dante and any accompanying squad are best used to deepstrike in cover, blow up a tank and harrass enemy units afterwards. Even with hit and run, you don't want to get assaulted, especially not when fielding SG.


But yes, Dante is fantastic. Pricey, but fantastic. :)




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Fair enough yeah they can be expensive but they will blow most things up the turn they come down and be able to take a charge from heavily armoured infantry and then Hit & Run the following turn.


Dante if used correctly is fantastic!


They will most likely blow up most things, but I feel that 5 Infernus Pistols per squad are just too much(well, except for pure SG armies) in most cases and not needed. I mean, if 2 work, why spend the points on 4 more only to target priority number one? The tank will blow up, that is out of question. After that, the rest of the army will make sure that this unit won't see another round, even with 2+ armour and FnP. It's just too expensive to work as a throw-away unit such as sternguard is.


I feel Dante and any accompanying squad are best used to deepstrike in cover, blow up a tank and harrass enemy units afterwards. Even with hit and run, you don't want to get assaulted, especially not when fielding SG.


But yes, Dante is fantastic. Pricey, but fantastic. :)





I run an all Sanguinary Guard army and have huge success with it and 97% of the time I win my games even against some of the best players in my local GW. Yes I can understand your point but SG deepstriking behind cover and jumping out the following turn to kill things is the best way I use them. Sure their Angelus Boltguns have a :) range and only good against certain armies. I don't use Dante's squad as a throw away unit because they are the most expensive unit in my army and I protect them and use them to harass my opponent's heaviest unit.


If Dante had Eternal Warrior he'd be right up there as one of the best Marine characters.

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By mathammer three melter pistols should get the job done versus armor.


G ^_^


With smoke and/or things like venerable dreads 4 is on the safe side. Not to mention you'll make quite a dent in a lot of scary infantry and MC units.


I should have said three melters per squad is often the minimum necessary. If you can take more lots of times it can help a lot especially seeing how popular is mechanized armies now. Versus horde they aren't as good but then you can rely upon melee and as you said they are still an ace versus MCs.


G :)

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I run an all Sanguinary Guard army and have huge success with it and 97% of the time I win my games even against some of the best players in my local GW. Yes I can understand your point but SG deepstriking behind cover and jumping out the following turn to kill things is the best way I use them. Sure their Angelus Boltguns have a ^_^ range and only good against certain armies. I don't use Dante's squad as a throw away unit because they are the most expensive unit in my army and I protect them and use them to harass my opponent's heaviest unit.


If Dante had Eternal Warrior he'd be right up there as one of the best Marine characters.


I use them the same way if I field Dante. On the other points, especially the last, I totally agree.



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