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Legion of the Damned


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I ran into this issue this weekend for the first time...


Opponent ran a Vulkan (Salamander) drop pod list with 20 Legion of the Damned, everything was melta- and flamer spammed to the max. [for you kids to try at home - 2000 points, vulkan, 10 sternguard with pod, 10 tacs, 10 tacs with pod, 10 tacs with pod, 10 legion, 5 legion, 5 legion, all remaining points spent on weapons and toys]....


The Legion (a separate special unit in the Codex Space marines) used the benefits of Vulkan - the twin linking of all melta and flamer weapons - to become really badass 3++ dudes!


I questioned whether that would be viable under the rules....but there was nothing we could find that keeps the Legion specifically from benefitting from Vulkan as the HQ....or the benefits of any other HQ....




It made for a very interesting game...


Against all fluff? Certainly...the Legion does not use Salamander weapons....they have their own....they come and go as they will....but rules as written?


Imagine 20 Legion, with multimeltas, meltaguns, etc....fearless...3++ invulnerable armor...deep striking in...relentless....twin linked meltas....dropping on turn 2 in an arc across the front and flanks of my army. Yeah, it was like that....Kinda makes me wish I had 20 Legion models...

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Does the Legion of the Damned have Combat Tactics? They need to have that so they can give it up in exchange for the Vulkan-ized upgrades. (I don't think they do have it; they are Fearless, after all. But codex is not in hand.)
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Does the Legion of the Damned have Combat Tactics? They need to have that so they can give it up in exchange for the Vulkan-ized upgrades. (I don't think they do have it; they are Fearless, after all. But codex is not in hand.)

Vulkan's Chapter Tactics rule doesn't require a unit give up Combat Tactics - it is written that all units that have Combat Tactics give it up but in return all of the listed weapons are twin-linked, not just those possessed by a unit which has given up Combat Tactics.

Chapter Tactics: If you include He'stan then all units in your army lose the Combat Tactics special rule. Instead, all thunder hammers in your army will count as master-crafted,

and all flamers, heavy flamer, meltaguns and multimeltas count as twin-linked. If more than one character in your army has the Chapter Tactics special rule, you must choose

which version will apply.

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Interesting. Seems a bit dodgy, but there it is. It does in fact not say you need to exchange Combat Tactics...simply that those units with it lose it.


Rock on then.

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Maybe I could paint him all blue except one shoulder pad. I'll paint that green and have a mourning symbol on it. Background will be the Salamanders were wiped out. I have a friend who plays Salamanders :lol:
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Maybe I could paint him all blue except one shoulder pad. I'll paint that green and have a mourning symbol on it. Background will be the Salamanders were wiped out. I have a friend who plays Salamanders :D


Eh, the ultramarines will go down before the salamanders, Salamanders are stalwart fellows.


Also Grandpappy drednaught is best dreadnaught.

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