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Preview into my brand new Iron Warrior army

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Hi everone


In a few weeks time (17th Nov) it'll be the ten year mark of collecting Iron Warriors for me. For this reason I will be starting a brand new army, move from old inks to the current wash & with Games Workshop release a lot of cool kits over the year mean more bits for conversion which has alway been my main strength in the hobby.


Anyway for the time being, I though I would get this Iron Warrior converted up & painted to try out some idea & how I want my 6th Iron Warrior force to look. Yes I collected five Iron Warriors armies so far as my painting skill improve of there years since 2001.


The model still WIP on the painting front as I was getting some new Space Wolves ready for a tournament this weekend.








I just need to tidy up a few bits. I also want to get some blood effect on the Chainsword as well as part of his armour, like Titus in the Space Marine computer game after you slaughter a hoard of orks in close combat. Like wise I am still working on the chainsword as I want it to look a bit chip & battle worn where the yellow paint wearing off, just trying to be careful not to go over the top.

Also want to add some Chaos Rune on the right shoulder pad as well.


Conversion wise, I am hope the right shoulder pad show off some spike I added on there. Useing the ward staff from the Grey Knight box set. Use apothercary bits as they just look cool, Kroot knife & pocket that attach to a gun been added & Vampire Count Grave Guard bags have been use.


Painting wise it Bolt gun metal, Badab Black wash, Purple wash, Badab Black wash, dry brush with bolt gun metal useing the GW larage/tank brush, Mithrial (sp) Silvier for the highlight.


Some wip model before being painted









So 17th Nov keep a eye out for a project log as I aim to get a brand new Iron Warrior army built for the Throne of Skulls tournamnet in Warhammer World in Nottingham. I will be aim for 1750pts. As said this will be mark ten year of collecting a army & ToS April going to mark ten year of attending tournament for me



Thanks everone


Did a little bit more work while I waited on other models to dry from wash or the base being painted.




Hopeful the Chaos Rune can be seen here, was hope for a little lava effect but not lava as such if that make sence. Just more the power of chaos glow in those rune






Still need to finish off the cable on the backpack there. Might add some trophies or ammo pack to his backpack so there is more colour/stuff there.


Above view, hope the spike on the shoulder pad (right) can be seen here




I still to finish off the ruin building on the base. Badab Black was dry before I took these photos. Still unsure what to do with the blood, temp to keep with the old way of Blood red with cheastnut ink, then when the model is varnish add gloss varnish to the blood splatter.



Now with added Blood to the chainsword










I've still to work on the H beam with is going to try out the rusted effect that we see on the GW Ogre army/weapons.


So that it for now. The rest will wait until 17th of Nov, when I will be starting my project log for my Iron Warriors. Got a lot of plans, I work out my 1750pts tournament force list, looking forward to some of the units like my Iron Warriors Bezerker (Khorne Bezerker). Whole army keep to the Iron Warriors background & my own theme to them/history from the past ten years of gaming.




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