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Lamenters Crossed Swords Icon Question

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I'm starting a Lamenter force based off of the Badab War Part 1 and i'm a little confused about one of the icons displayed on the Lamenters power armor and wanted to ask to see if anyone knows what the story is with it.


I'm talking about the crossed swords symbol seen on the power armor of all of the Lamenters marines shown in the book. My first guess was that it was a variation of assault squad badge, but it appears on every Lamenter. So either all of the Lamenters pictured are assault marines or it is some kind of chapter wide icon. The funny thing is that its the same crossed swords the Emperors Warbringers use as their chapter badge.





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Could be a campaign badge.


It could be their play on the Maelstrom warders badge but its not likely a campaign badge as it seems to be worn too prominently. Campaign badges seem to be less conspicuous than these. Sometimes these are even worn full on the shoulder which is usually reserved for chapter or squad markings.




This guy is wearing the swords on his shoulder and his chapter badge on the inside of his leg even.

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Looking in my copy of IA9. The first guy is a vet sergeant from the 7th company.

The second guy is from 'Assault Squad Volturno' of the fifth company.

The other picture you posted is of a guy from the same assault squad

There is a guy (pg 107) with a white crossed sword on his right shoulder pad and 8 on his left leg.

There doesn't really seem to be any differential that makes figuring out the cross swords thing. To be honest I wouldn't worry too much about it, I certainly haven't, they are 'meant' to be a codex chapter anyway.

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Your right.... it is, they also denote squad number in the same way as the warbringers, interesting.

Those are actually company numbers, the Lamenters don't appear to display squad numbers.


Debatable, the guy adding the words to the pictures seemed to be playing pin the tail on the donkey with some chapters, ie: this fella is identified as being 2nd company due to his blatant 2nd squad marking.. http://images.wikia.com/warhammer40k/image...tle-Brother.jpg


Personally I peg the swords as an assault squad marking - its exactly the same as the Warbearers chapter badge which is exactly the same as the variant assault badge in Insignium Astartes and the 3rd edition codex. Tho that does clash with the veteran sergeant having a veteran squad marking as well as the swords - unless the artist figured the guy was seconded from the 1st company.

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Could be a campaign badge.


I'd also vote for that. Assault squads have different markings, and as already mentioned, even veterans which are not within the normal Company structure wear it on their armour.


On the other side, it appears a bit simple for a campaign badge. If you look at other badges(mainly from BT), they symbolise the enemy, the planet or other significant circumstances of the campaign.

Two crossed swords are quite common for marines.




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email forgeworld or ask on their facebook site, they usually reply with honest answers to stuff like this.


Good idea, done and done.


Speaking of Forge World facebook they have this pic of a Lamenters sternguard squad someone painted for GD Australia.




Notice the crossed swords and the sergeants shoulder pad? Someone else is drawing a different conclusion than it being just an assault squad badge.


I'm only worrying about it because


1) The badge is awesome and I want to use it

2) I'm obsessive when it comes to getting iconography right.

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There is no 'right' iconography in 40k, it's not as it you're ever going to run into a lamenter at a tournament who'll be like "We just used those crossed swords on the spare suits of armour!".


That's not true, there is correct iconography in the 40k universe. However that doesn't mean that most players care or that I care that they care. Its mostly for me because I like to play fluff based armies that look the part. Most players hardly bother to paint their armies the same color let alone put icons on them.

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Its mostly for me because I like to play fluff based armies that look the part. Most players hardly bother to paint their armies the same color let alone put icons on them.

Kind of difficult to get it right these days since FW stomped all over the Lamenters in their Uggs. Just do what makes you happy, play it safe and stick crossed swords on every guy. If someone asks you what they mean then ask them what they think they are and take the most frequent answer.

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So the word from Forge World is as follows


"You'll note that those Marines shown with the crossed swords symbol are from Assault squads. This heraldry is a variant of the more usual four-pointed arrow symbol that you'll find is the 'Codex' assault unit designation."


So they are all assault marines after all. Still nothing yet about the veteran sergeant with the veteran squad badge and the assault badge but my guess is that he is attached to an assault squad.

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