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Turning loyalist...


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Hello folks,

long time traitor player here, recently been won over by loyalists (well, kind of...).

Finishing my Night Lords (that join my finished IW), i'm now left with a fair share of loyalist, some chaos and some berserker bits. I was thinking of building my first truescale marine army, and am fascinated by the Knights of Blood and their background. Now, i know they have been excomunicated, but they still sound pretty much loyalists to me.

Maybe callous, totally insane and (literally) boodthirsty loyalist, but loyalist none the less.

Modelwise, i'd like to go with the things i always missed as a chaos player: one or 2 landspeeders, a whirlwind, a razorback, a librarian dreadnought and a stormraven. As far as bodies go, i'd stick to a couple of tacticals and one assault, as well as a small death company, mainly because i have most of the pieces available. I am aiming for a firmly loyalist but more than slightly vampirish and somewhat sombre/unsettling look.

Truescaling is gonna be a pain in the neck, but i think it might be worth it. My only issue is with characters...i want 2 hq, one, probably, just a regular power weapon/combimelta captain, but for the other i would like something fancier. What about a sanguinor? Does it work well? What about a master of the forge? Also, back to troops, i seldom face scouts, they dont seem to be popular. Can you make something useful with them?

Suggestions are very welcome, both list related and on the modeling side of things.

Thanks in advance, cheers!

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a whirlwind

a what? :lol: (j/k, actually want to try one myself one day. seem very cheap what they might do to low armour troops :) )


good luck with your force m8. sounds like a nice army to collect, paint and play with :) not collecting things because theyre effective but because theyre cool!


gotta ask though, why are you dead set on a powerweapon/combi melta captain? why not try tycho? his attacks ignore armour (power weapon) and he has a combi-melta. gives your army LD 10 and can fire specialist bolter rounds no less as well B)


well that and he is one of the most iconic blood angel characters with a very rich history :) just make a counts as and use his rules :D


scouts can perform well, depending on what task you give them. people can be suprised what blood angel scouts with furious charge and feel no pain can be capable off :lol: snipers are always usefull as well but hit on 4's sadly...


no idea how you might achieve the truescale effect but theyre many tutorials out there.


good luck sir! :huh:

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Tycho would be a much better choice than a captain. Captains really add little in this codex.


If you want something fancier, look at Dante.


And don't forget Sanguinary Priests. That FNP/FC bubble is just too good.

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Hello Demoulius and JamesI,


thanks for your answers.

Good to know you can do some good with scouts.

About the whirlwind well, i have seen it do wonders against horde armies (just ask any Nid).

Not very effctive against marines and terminators but hey, you cant always get what you want, can u? :)

I have no problem taking Tycho instead of a normal guy, just i think, among the special characters the BA get, he is, perhaps, the less "generic". But that, probably, is mainly because i remember when he was created, all those year ago (when he had the "dante like" helmet and held a storm bolter).

If my opponent. however, has nothing against count as models, i'd be glad to give it a shot.

I a contemplating termnators...i could get those from space hulk really cheap, but they'd need some integrtion to be playable. Also, howhever i like he models (and i do), i'd like to make them a bit more deranged and evil...scupting bones here and there, and going for a death company look?

Too much, perhaps. Maybe just painting leering skulls on helmets...that sounds about right.

Could look into sanguinary priests, just i cant stand apothecry colours. Gtta think of something here...

Thanks again!

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Hi, well yes, i have given it a thought, but i received mixed reports on his battlefield performance. Also, i like the model, but i'd be hard pressed to proxy it with anything else, and the "exposed muscle" style armour only really works if you paint it red. I could give it an helmet, that could be done, but still...a red armoured KoB HQ? Would it be in character? I have, btw, seen quite a lot of painted KoB troops, but very few HQs, do you know any inspiring ones?
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when you like the rules but not the model, proxy :lol:


i have mixed feelings about the model as well but there isent much to argue with Astorath. a S6 power weapon that forces rerolls on succesfull invunerable saves is a beastly weapon. arty armour, 4+ invul and everyone getting rage on half of your rolls is a very good thing to have, not even mentioning his chaplain special rules. hes a support character and fighty character in one ^_^


If your only taking 1 assault squad you want them properly supported. Asto and a priest make them VERY dangerous :) rerolling hits while hitting on I5 and S5 for even the normal marines makes them with like a freight train believe me :lol:


have you thought about how many and what gear you want to send your death company out with? I havent used them personaly so i cant really help there but with 2 atacks base, furious charge, feel no pain and WS5 they got alot of things going for them :)

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Hi, well yes, i have given it a thought, but i received mixed reports on his battlefield performance. Also, i like the model, but i'd be hard pressed to proxy it with anything else, and the "exposed muscle" style armour only really works if you paint it red. I could give it an helmet, that could be done, but still...a red armoured KoB HQ?
First, I think I remember a black armoured Astorath that looked cool, or was it Mephiston? Secondly, there is no need for the muscle armour. Counts As Astorath needs blinged up Power Armour, a big Axe, a bolt pistol a rosarius and a jump pack. Snapping off the Crozius head of the Chaplain with Jump Pack and adding an axe head would probably even do the trick. There are no rules how artificer armour has to differ from regular power armour.


@Sanguinary Priests: At least in Blood Angels the Sanguinary Priests are not apothecary white, they are red. Maybe the SPs of the KoB use their army's paint scheme as well. Unless you are already sold on doing a canonical Knights of Blood army, creating your own chapter may be an ption as well, then you are totally free in choosing your colours.

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If you want "blood thirsty" check out our good cousin Gabriel Seth.

good call :) Seth is indeed a pretty beastly powerhouse :)


at S8 and rending he can be a danger to pretty much anything :D unless he headbutts a powerfist he also has 4 wounds which might mean he stays around to kick arse abit longer B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, thanks for all suggestions, i'll have a look at the codex again and decide about it later.

First prolem i have encountered: my GS skill is far from abysmal, so i am manging to work on the models quite fast, with pretty decent results. I have, however, found that, if you want a body proportioned to the head, you have to raise the overall height of a marine by at least 1.5/1.8 cm (adding all things up). While this makes for very impressive models, just forget them standing on regular bases.

How do othertruescale guys solve this? Many adversaries would take advantage of larger bases, bringing more critters in b2b contact.

Any thoughts?

One more question: sanguinary priest colour scheme? I am not very keen on apoteacary white.

I think corbulo is all red, but, again maybe it's just a normal blood angel scheme.

Thanks in advance, cheers.

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have never done truescale so cant help there, sorry :(


On the apothecary, eh...feel free to paint them up however you want :( i just add something white (shoulder pad trim? helmet?) to them to show that theyre priests. other then that I tell my opponent which model is the priest should he want to attack him in combat or whatever, people dont seem to care either way ;)

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One more question: sanguinary priest colour scheme? I am not very keen on apoteacary white.

I think corbulo is all red, but, again maybe it's just a normal blood angel scheme.

Thanks in advance, cheers.


With my Flesh Tearers I use the Standard colour Scheme for my Sang Priests the tell tale signs are the White Apoth symbol on his shoulder pad and such.

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