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Dark Mechanicus bust


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A while ago (maybe a year ago) I sculpted a mechanicus bust for a bit of a challenge. Ive never sculpted something that size before and really wanted to give it a go. I had also been given 4 or 5 packs of milliput for free so it seemed like a good use for it and if it went totally tits up then I hadnt really lost anything.


In the end I was pretty happy with it (though as always when I look at it I find lots things I wish I had done better) but wanted to leave it as it was as the first thing I had ever done at that scale and I was pretty proud of it. Anyways, for a year Ive not really had the balls to paint it being worried that Id screw it up. There were a number of things that I didnt really know how to paint at that scale (mostly the skin). I couldnt really find any guides for painting skin at that scale so made it up as I went along.


Id still say that I dont know how to paint skin at that size so if anyone has any tips or knows where some guides for large scale skin are Id be forever grateful.


So here he is. I went for a pallid skin tone as being mechanicus they arnt the healthiest chaps in the world ;) Im also pretty chuffed with the eye as I had never tried that before either.


Some people might not like that there arnt gribbly bits like tentacles or anything but to me the dark mechanicus arnt really about that, they just look at chaos as a means to finding out more knowledge. So the only really different thing is the symbol.


Last thing before I get to the pictures (sorry for all the text) is that I would really appreciate people opinions on two things. Firstly I cant decide if I should put some veins on the skin. Im not sure if it will add or detract from the model. The second is about having a line of text around the bottom of the hood. I like freehand but dont want the model to look too busy.


Heres the sculpt:



And one for size



And now painted:







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Well it looks to me like you got the skin right on. The eye is perfect as well. I would do a darker red right now he looks a little to much like his loyal numbers. Some chaos runes might look good on the hood.



As for tutorials you might want to look at military figure painting websites they should have some bust painters on there who could help.


Looks great well done.

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Thanks for the comments guys.


I can kind of see what people are saying about it not looking that dark mechanicus but when I was thinking about what dark mechanicus would look like I came to realise that in their mind they are the true mechanicus.... Why would they have changed their colours/what they wear? They wouldnt was the answer I came up with (at least in my mind). I know some people like the idea of them being more mutated and "chaosy" but that just doesnt strike true with their ideals for me... In the end its all down to personal taste and thats mine so you're totally entitled to what you think, I just wanted to explain where Im coming from.


Again, thanks for all the praise and suggestions. I will definetly be looking up those military bust websites Grimdarkness, cheers.

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