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Dawn of War set up and Drop pods


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Good Afternoon, I am currently drafting a army list for my marine army for a local tourney. I have a rules query about Drop pods and the Dawn of War Scenario Set up.


(please bear with me as I am currently in work and do not have a rule book handy or the time to trawl the threads)


If I recall correctly the DoW set up declares that you must place a HQ and two Troops units on the battlefield at the start of the battle. What happens if both of my tactical squads are in drop pods? Would I have to relinquish the use of the Drop pod and set them up on foot in my DZ?


Also in line with this style of questioning...


I am using Shrike as my HQ choice with the plan of infiltrating him with a squad of jump pack vets would this stop him from being able to do this totally as if I think about this rightly I can’t use infiltrators?


Hopefully I don’t sound like a proper noob, I normally play guard so things are much simpler. :blush:


Thanks in advance for the answers.



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Dawn of War setup actually says you "may" deploy "up to" one HQ and two Troops selections. You can deploy zero units at the beginning of the battle, and have the pods arrive at the beginning of Turn One, like you would normally (outside of Dawn of War).


Dawn of War allows the use of Infiltrators, but you would not be able to deploy the Assault Marines because they are a Fast Attack choice. They would either have to enter from your long board edge at the beginning of Turn One, or arrive via reserves.

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