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No Corvus helmets!

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As to our box, there's a mixed armour - but certainly based on Heresy-pattern. Aquila-pattern we have not :) maybe partially, but still.

And Mk.2-3 helmets even, but not Maximus and Corvus-helmets, pity :( but brothers, isn't it very fluffy to loot it from the loyalists? We take all we need from their boxes as our fluff tells us :)

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I didn't intend for the Night Lords to invade, I swear! :P


No one ever does... :blush:


So, what the consensus is that not only should GW put some (not a lot, some) Corvus helmets in the next boxed set but also a lot of older Mks of armour, mostly because it's cool and that's what 40k is all about?


Hells yes. Matter of fact, I'd pay straight cash to get a 'Corvus' possessed helm, with the beak cracking open into a toothy maw...

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You just gave me an awesome idea 1000heathens :blush:



I was thinking the exact same thing :P I'm definately stealing this idea when i get my Word Bearers 22nd Host finally up and running!

Word Bearers aside, imagine how cool possessed Corvus helmets would look for a Tzeentchian themed warband, you could actually replace the 'beak' with a skeletal bird beak thats breaking out through the helmet, or something along those lines.



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