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My Grey Knights,


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Hey all. I've been collecting Grey Knights since their release, mainly to take to a tournament back in April (didn't do brilliantly but did get a best painted nomination) and have kept collecting them. I am currently working on some Purifiers, a Stormraven, Paladins and a Grand Master. I have a Dreadknight waiting to be finished but I've not fully worked out how to paint the torso. Anyway onto the photos! These are also in an album so feel free to have a look.

I am wanting to give my Grey Knights and their vehicles names, so if you have any suggestions for them just say what model and the name :lol:

Strike Squad 1 Justicar


Strike Squad 1 Knight with Psycannon


Strike Squad 1 Knight Halberd 1


Strike Squad 1 Knight Halberd 2


Strike Squad 1 Knight Halberd 3


Strike Squad 1 Razorback,


Strike Squad 2 Justicar


Strike Squad 2 Knight with Psycannon


Strike Squad 2 Knight Halberd 1


Strike Squad 2 Knight Halberd 2


Strike Squad 2 Knight Halberd 3


Strike Squad 2 Razorback,


Purgation Squad Justicar


Purgation Squad Knight 1


Purgation Squad Knight 2


Purgation Squad Knight 3


Purgation Squad Knight 4


Purgation Squad Razorback, can you guess how I did the turret? :P


Feel free to comment and criticize.

Asmodai Barok.

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Here's my finished Brotherhood Champion and Knight of the Flame for my Purifiers. The Champion was made from the Emperors Champion with a spare Eagle backpack and a arm swap from a spare storm bolter arm from my GK sprues.

Brotherhood Champion,





Knight of the Flame. Went with Falchions cause I didn't fancy loosing a Daemon Hammer if I rolled a Perils of the Warp.


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Knight of the Flame. Went with Falchions cause I didn't fancy loosing a Daemon Hammer if I rolled a Perils of the Warp.


that pose is a pure win! consider it stolen for my vanguards!

I would try to white highlight that bone color

quick tips for the razor back sides to give more deep to you heraldry wash it with diluted (2:1) azuramen blue

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Reminds me of my Company Champion I posted a while ago;


I think the colors you have chosen work real well. I think the red/white quartering could have been done a bit better, the edges are a little sloppy. You may want to think about getting some Tamyia tape, or some frisket paper, both of these would help greatly in keeping a clean sharp edge.

Also I noticed quite a bit of "pooling" of your wash on your vehicles. Doing washes on vehicles with large flat areas can be hard. I have found oil paint washes to provide the best results, but not everyone likes using them. So I would suggest doing a few things;

1. Alter your wash technique. Instead of slapping the wash over the whole model, do a localized wash, just hit the areas that you want to be shaded. Then after you have applied the wash to that area, take the brush that you applied the wash with, and dont rinse it out, instead drag it once or twice over a damp paper towel, then go back to the edges of where you wash "pool" is and blend it into the surrounding area. This technique will help prevent the pooling that is noticeable on the vehicles.

2. By a wide flat brush for adding washes to flat areas, the wider the better, I think I use a 3/4 inch brush on my tanks and such.

3. Thin your wash...try to achieve the effect gradual and not in a single coat.

Over all nice use of colors with the tan/blue, looks nice.


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The unit markings are better when you look at the tanks in person, the washes I know I could have done better but I was in a rush to finish painting them as it was the day before a tournament I was taking them to (got a best painted nomination) I also wanted the squad markings to stand out which is why they are red and white (like the normal codex Grey Knights) so it was easier for me to work out the squads when on the board.


The Knight of the Flame I've repositioned to have a more dynamic pose and flowing one. I'm also working on the rest of the Purifiers at the moment but its slow progress at the moment due to irl commitments. Also my Stormraven is nearly finished but needs a few final things finishing off and cleaning up before I will post it.

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