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Best Khorne Unit?


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i love the zerks and Khârn personally, they're easy to use, just charge...or pop em in a rhino to get there faster.


what do you guys think?

Depends on what you want it to do. My staple Berzerker unit, for example, is simply 7 Berzerkers plus a Skull Champ with power fist. Works well, is reasonably economical (for an army where your average troop models are 21pts apiece) and can deal with anything, except for maybe Assault Terminators and the like.


I'm also quite partial towards support units, like Terminators kitted with anti-tank weapons, and supporting CSM or Chosen squads. They open up the boxes which allows the Berzerkers to do their jobs; without them, you're fighting the figurative uphill battle. It's like saying you like fast cars, but without anything more than a basic dirt road, you won't get the most out of your car.

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Don't mean to be a downer or anything but besides Khârn, zerks and DPs what other Khornate units are there?



everything in the dex.... painted red


In that case, Plague Marines.


i know your trying to be ironic, but if you can make up some fluff to fit... then absolutely yes

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Next game I play (whenever that will be who knows) I am going to finally say :D it and use a Lord with bloodfeeder for fun. In my opinion that would be a VERY fun unit to play if you roll well. Really though my favorite if you include the daemon codex is the thirster. He is nearly unstoppable. I took mine against a C:BA and C:IG army and he ran amok for 3-4 turns before finally dying.
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Next game I play (whenever that will be who knows) I am going to finally say :( it and use a Lord with bloodfeeder for fun. In my opinion that would be a VERY fun unit to play if you roll well. Really though my favorite if you include the daemon codex is the thirster. He is nearly unstoppable. I took mine against a C:BA and C:IG army and he ran amok for 3-4 turns before finally dying.



I just wished it added +1 Strength, cause 2d6 +4 S4 power weapon attacks are great...but with 2x the chance to punch yourself out, you should at least get s5 out of it...

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Next game I play (whenever that will be who knows) I am going to finally say :tu: it and use a Lord with bloodfeeder for fun. In my opinion that would be a VERY fun unit to play if you roll well. Really though my favorite if you include the daemon codex is the thirster. He is nearly unstoppable. I took mine against a C:BA and C:IG army and he ran amok for 3-4 turns before finally dying.


I did it once and he had quite some fun messing up Black Templars left and right and never rolling a single 1. So go for it I'd say! :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't mean to be a downer or anything but besides Khârn, zerks and DPs what other Khornate units are there?



everything in the dex.... painted red

from that point of view every good unit in every dex is khornate because you can do a counts as army with anything [save for one pice of chaos gear , in the whole game].


Chaos Lord. Mark of Khorne. Daemonic Steed. Daemon Weapon.

St 5. 18 Attacks (potentially) and backed up by a hard ass unit of zerkers, or even some lucky possessed. Pretty brutal.

hth unit that moves 6" per turn and sticks out from behind of the rhino because the jugger makes the lord a very high model[and allows the whole unit to be shot at].



zerkers with fists only good thing about khorn in this dex.

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I guess you could also include the generic lesser daemons as Khorne units if you use bloodletter models for them. Chaos Marine codex lesser daemons are great because they can assault the same turn they deep strike, so they can turn the tide of an important combat if you can call them close with an icon. Even though they don't get the real bloodletter rules, they can still be very useful.
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Don't mean to be a downer or anything but besides Khârn, zerks and DPs what other Khornate units are there?



everything in the dex.... painted red

from that point of view every good unit in every dex is khornate because you can do a counts as army with anything [save for one pice of chaos gear , in the whole game].


yes it is a "counts as" game systme in terms of theme nowadays. ive even heard of people using the BA dex for berserker armies

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Don't mean to be a downer or anything but besides Khârn, zerks and DPs what other Khornate units are there?



everything in the dex.... painted red

from that point of view every good unit in every dex is khornate because you can do a counts as army with anything [save for one pice of chaos gear , in the whole game].


yes it is a "counts as" game systme in terms of theme nowadays. ive even heard of people using the BA dex for berserker armies


But they are not Khorne units... Only counts as Khorne units.... Otherwise my Khornate Fire dragons are the best Khorne unit...

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