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Heresy/early post-heresy era Death Guard


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It’s took longer than I would have liked, but I finally finished up a pack of plague marines for the Death Guard army I’m building. At least my list small enough that these nine guys are already close to 1/3 of the total infantry.




More pictures here.


The look I’m aiming for with these guys is a heresy/early post-heresy look by using the pre-heresy Death Guard colours, but with lots of areas where the armour has rusted and the paint flaked off. I’m also not a big fan of the blobbed on green stuff mutations that seems to be pretty common in other Death Guard armies that I’ve seen, and the heresy-era theme gives me an excuse for making my dudes appear a bit more normal. The shields were added just because I think they look awesome, and it fits with the pre-heresy Death Guard background of being aces at boarding actions.


I experimented with a few different techniques for doing the rusted areas for these guys. For the first five bolter marines I used a piece of foam to to dab on the damaged areas but I felt that this wasn’t very good for making larger areas that were randomly shaped, since the piece of foam is essentially a stamp. I tried technique that uses hairspray to actually flake and scrape off the paint for the last four marines. This method is more involved and time consuming, but I like the end results a lot more as the rusted areas look a lot more natural and random.

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I love what you have done with your Death Guard ^_^

The paint scheme you have adopted is superb, especially the rust that seems to be slowly consuming the armour!! If i had one tiny bit of criticism its maybe that your white is a little too white (though that could be the flash of the camera). I know your going for the look that the Death Guard have just turned towards Nurgle, but still, maybe a dirtier greyer colour would work?


But apart from that, amazing work mate!! :D



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If i had one tiny bit of criticism its maybe that your white is a little too white (though that could be the flash of the camera). I know your going for the look that the Death Guard have just turned towards Nurgle, but still, maybe a dirtier greyer colour would work?



Thanks for the kind words. I actually intentionally made the white a bit brighter. I tried a slightly darker grey as the main colour on some earlier test models that I did with this scheme, and I didn't really like the results. It might also be due to the crappy camera that I'm using right now.

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If i had one tiny bit of criticism its maybe that your white is a little too white (though that could be the flash of the camera). I know your going for the look that the Death Guard have just turned towards Nurgle, but still, maybe a dirtier greyer colour would work?



Thanks for the kind words. I actually intentionally made the white a bit brighter. I tried a slightly darker grey as the main colour on some earlier test models that I did with this scheme, and I didn't really like the results. It might also be due to the crappy camera that I'm using right now.

Ah ok, cool. If you have already tried it and disliked it, then fair enough. Still great models :)



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