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Sanguinary priests


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I'm running a lot of assault marines with jump packs in my main list and of course need priests to run with them and or the Sang guard. My question is should I pay the extra points and give the priest jump packs as well. Moy vote right now is on yes seeing as how they have no other upgrades they are mainly there for the FC FnP bubble.


Also want to add sorry if this would have been better served in the Army list section.

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Priests without jump packs in a jump list makes no sense. The Priests wouldn't be able to Deep Strike with the units they're intended to buff. They would also not be able to follow the battle properly without putting them into a transport. And of course, if the Priest joins one of your jump infantry squads, the whole unit will only be able to move as infantry, negating the jump packs completely.


It's like a peanut butter sandwich. Without jelly, it's just wrong.

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Also priest have a whole bunch of equipment options that you can upgrade to. So they can be that extra power fist, power weapon, or infernos pistol.

Priests should never carry a powerfist. A 1 wound IC that goes at initiative 1 will die before they swing too often. Go with the power weapon or lightning claw or pistol or combi-weapon.

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Yeah seems to me like kitting it out further is just going to make it a point sink it's really just for the buffs they give not to deal damage. So i think ill stick with vanilla layout and a JP


If you have already invested 75 pts in one you might as well slap on that power weapon or claw for 15 pts extra. Assault squads can really benefit from a second WS5 special weapon.


I try to get my Priest bubbles from honor guards though. They bring more to the table for the points.

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