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A few quick questions


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Hello all. New to the site. My name is Shane. I haven't played 40k since freshman year in college. I'l looking to get back into it.


here is what's left of my army.

1x Khârn

17x Berserkers

6x CSM

6x posessed (all in pieces)

2x Rhinos

I used to also have a defiler and 3 oblits...and more troops of course, and that was my humble little army.


I removed all the paint from them and im wanting to start fresh with building a Dragon Warriors army. I'm wanting a sorceror for my 2nd hq (Nihilan) Aaaannnd that's as far as I have gotten so far.


I hear theres been some changes with the codex since 07', so if anyone could point me in the right direction as to building up my army for say 1500-2500 pt games I would really appreciate it. Thanks

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