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The Pestilent Scourge (Lord/Helbrute updated with pics)


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Update time.

I've ran out of green stuff, so I'm calling the Terminator squad done. I've sprayed them black and began painting them with a basecoat.


I've also just ordered a Land Raider. It should arrive in the Monday-Tuesday timeframe. I have some ideas I'm looking forward to trying out with it, as it needs a bit more bang to pull off the Nurgle look than a Rhino - I just gave them some warped armour plates using liquid green stuff, I'm looking at making something much more substantial than that for the 'Raider.


I'll get some WIP photo's of that as and when I have them, along with some new army-wide shots.


Now, I'm also thinking ahead for my next purchase;


Chaos Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought


I'll be arming him with a powerfist with in-built plasma blaster, havoc missile launcher and twin-linked heavy flamer. I've started coming up with some ideas for him on paper;





The idea here is to have one side coated in boils, sores and all other forms of nastiness. The right side, I plan on cracking open the armour and sculpting sinew inside. Think multiple layers of spider webs - I've done this on my Terminators, but I don't think you can see it clearly.


You can also see the helmet plan. Basically, I want his helmet to look like the one Typhus wears.



As for pose, I was originally going to go for a "standing and firing" pose, complete with ArmorCast flame FX coming from the flamer, but over on New Badab I've had a couple of good suggestions, and now I'm thinking of having him kneeling down (helps to hide him with line of sight issues), with his powerfist hand on the floor of the base, fingers extended outwards, holding the flamer to the side, head looking up.


Makes him look like he's just pounded somebody into the ground, and looking up for his next target.



I'll be back soon with photo updates.

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Time for a long-promised, massive photo update. I present to you;


Memnoch the Anointed




Balantisis the Wretched




Plague Marine squad one




Plague Marine squad two




Plague Marine squad three




And there's more to come...

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Plague Marine squads four, five and six








Plague Marine transports


Counts-as Dreadclaw (until a plastic one comes out, or I build one)






Again, more following..

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Terminator squad one






Terminator squad two




Once again, more to follow...

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Obliterator Cult




Chaos Defiler








These are in addition to the one in the original post. The one with the bubbling goo is going to have a FW sorcerer pinned into the middle, levitating.


That's it, for now.

Up next is a Chaos Land Raider, when it finally ships from Wayland Games sometime this week.


Hope you like it all.

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Very cool objective markers- I have been wanting to make some of my own for some time. Keep us posted on those oblits!


Only faint criticism is that the defiler looks downright blingy, to the point of being pimpin'.

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Wow they are looking super sweet and disgusting my friend! The Daemon Prince is stunning work! I'm looking forwards to purging them all off the board later today. ;)


I'll post some pictures from today's battle afterwards so you all can see my pathetic paintjobs in comparance to Araziel's in combat. :lol:



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Very cool objective markers- I have been wanting to make some of my own for some time. Keep us posted on those oblits!


Only faint criticism is that the defiler looks downright blingy, to the point of being pimpin'.


Thanks for the compliments. I do agree about the Defiler, after seeing photo's of him. He doesn't seem quite as blingy in person, but I still think I need to do something to rectify it. I'm thinking that if I add a layer of two of Badab Black wash, that should rectify the problem.

The objectives were fun to make, I just knocked each one out as and when I grew a little tired of the block painting of the army. I think my bubbling warp portal is my favourite, or it will be when I get around to ordering the FW Sorcerer I need to finish it off.


I will be making the Oblit's a top priority once I've finished my second Terminator squad. I just need to start applying washes to them, and they're at gaming standard.

The Oblit's are the only unit holding me back from having a gaming-standard fully painted 1,750point army. They need to be done!!


Think of the Defiler as noticeable. Because unless you're color blind or serving Slaanesh, there ain't no way in Nurgle's garden you gonna miss that thing!



Still looks cool though!


Thanks for the crit. See above, I'm going to fix the problem as I whole-heartedly agree with you.



Wow they are looking super sweet and disgusting my friend! The Daemon Prince is stunning work! I'm looking forwards to purging them all off the board later today. :P


I'll post some pictures from today's battle afterwards so you all can see my pathetic paintjobs in comparance to Araziel's in combat. :P




Haha, thanks man. You're paintjob's aren't pathetic though, I will not hear such heresy!

Its a shame you've managed to turn my DP into goo both times we've fought now. Logic states that I need to get a second, so one of them survives long enough to tear you a new one ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
hmmm the gold trim actually goes quite well with the death guard look. +2


Thanks man.

Glad to see that somebody likes it <_<


Anyway, its update time...



I present to you here The Enslaved, Possessed Cult of the Pestilent Scourge


Group shot;



Heavy flamer;










Aspiring Champion;





Standard guy;








Mr. Hood (Ended up re-sculpting the tongue on this guys, I think it works better now)








This shows the sculpted tongue in a little more detail. I used the Chaos Spawn sprue as the inspiration.



I painted this in my mates DIY Chapters colours - The Vanquishers. First time painting a laurel.



This shows some of the goo I've been putting all over the squad.



This is the Heavy Flamer guy's powerfist. It uses a fist from the Possessed sprue as its base, and then builds on with parts from Tyranids I've had since an old army back in 3rd Ed.



This shows the biomechanical addition to the heavy flamer.



This shows the detail of the face on the trophy rack. I suppose it also shows my terrible understanding of OSL (blurrily, anyway).


Works in Progress


The beginnings of a scratch-sculpted Blight Drone of Nurgle. Uses the carapace of a Tyranid Carnifex, the heavy stubber from a Shadowsword and the sponson targeters from a LR Crusader.

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Looking absolutely stunning there Araziel! I can't wait to see them in the flesh as it were in the coming few weeks!

I see Brother Alectus' head has been found. ;) I'll have to recover it in future games. ;) It'll be interesting pitting these against my now freshly built 10 man squad of Sternguard and my cusotm Kantor model.



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Great job again, Azraziel.

Your Aspiring Champion is my favorite. The tentacles fit perfectly well with the Possessed head -- which is the best in the box, I'd say. The terminators also blend perfectly with the bulk of your troops; you've got a very unique, coherent scheme! Keep going!


Cheers, JT

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, Chaeron.


I'll admit that I've neglected these guys as of late. I blame Mass Effect, having problems with my back again and going out to play with real-life models and my camera now that the sun is starting to make an apearence over here.


Something I'll point out again is that I'm block painting this force to gaming standard for now and then, one everything is done, going over the lot to detail it all to the best of my ability.



In terms of progress made, I've now built, magnetised and started green stuffing some mutations on the Land Raider. I'm really not sure how far to take this though, so I've hit a stand still.

I'll see about getting another day or two's work on it and then post it here for crit.


It's Easter holidays now in this area, which means no gaming club. I have either two or three weeks (can't remember which!) in which I hope to get the Obliterators finally done, finish the modelling on the LR and then start painting the remaining three Plague squads. After that, I'll need to order some more Rhinos to go with them.


I've got a busy time ahead of myself.

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Ah right - missed the comment re: gaming standard, but that's still above my top level of painting anyway!


I'm looking to repaint 1500pts over Easter if I can... wish me luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks a bunch, whythre. Glad you like them! You should like this update...



So, after having a hectic last month or so with real life, I finally had the chance to sit down and do some painting this evening. I was going to get cracking on some Plague Marines, but needed to undercoat them. Turns out, I'd run out of spray without realising. D'oh!

So I started tinkering around with some odds and ends, and ended up having a rummage through my bitz to see if I could add on to my DIY Blight Drone. This is how it's looking now;








The last shot is to show you the rough size of the piece.

Now though, I'm at an impasse so I'd like to pose a question to you all.


Do you think I need to find a way to have a visual clue as to how it hovers in the air, or do you think that it suits not having say, propellers on the sides like the FW sculpt? I'm inclined to think I don't need to add an engine - after all, it's Chaos. But I thought I'd make sure.

I'd also like to point out that the whole piece is still nowhere near completion, there'll be plenty of green-stuffing before he gets any paint.


So, what do you guys think?



On a sort-of related note, you can tell I've been replaying the Mass Effect series on and off during my limited spare time for the last couple of weeks. See the resemblance?




I never set out to make one of these, it just sort of.. well, happened!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made some progress on my Blight Drone..









I forsee the end of the piece coming soon. What do you think?

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Thanks man.

I must say, I was dubious during the build as to how it'd turn out. I think I'd have liked his skin to come out a little smoother, but I may be able to solve that with some liquid green stuff and a file.

As for painting, I've got to say - I don't think he'll get done very fast. I have three more Plague Marine squads, two Obliterator's and a Land Raider to paint to gaming standard before I jump into anything else.


I've also set my sights on a couple of Lord conversions. I wouldn't mind picking up a Typhus if they turn him into finecast soon, got a lot of conversion ideas for him but can't be arsed to work with metal!

... and to make everything worse, I want all of this done by the release of Chaos Legions. Never going to happen, but I can hope and dream, right?

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