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The Pestilent Scourge (Lord/Helbrute updated with pics)


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I've been tinkering away in the Mancave.


First off, I'm helping set-up a 40k campaign. I'm making planets and sub-sector maps and the like.

I decided it'd be fun for me to introduce some fluff regarding my forces actions in the campaign. I've started it here.


Incidentally, the campaign is also being run through New Badab so why not check it out? You can find the entire thread here.



Finally, while I don't have any pictures yet (camera battery went bye-bye), I'd like to mention the progress I've made;


  • I've finished building the Blight Drone. I've based him on a scenic base, undercoated and began painting him. I'm going to tackle him in small chunks as "rewards"/distractions from infantry and tank painting.
  • I've finished converting the Land Raider. I've undercoated and began painting.
  • I was in a GW store the other day while travelling (I don't have a local one) and bought Huron Blackheart. I've converted him heavily using a wide array of techniques. If you read the fluff I linked earlier, he's my model-version of Phylaxis, head of the Chosen Order.
  • The Obliterator's are around 95% done. Some small details to go, and they're ready to kill the followers of the False Emperor.


That leaves me with three Plague Marine Squads to paint, as well as the need to buy transports for them. I'm holding off on the latter part, just incase GW release a plastic Dreadclaw with Legions. One can hope, right?


Wish me luck...

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I just read all three pages of your army - awesome! Keep it up, love the army so far. The Blight Drone and the Terminator with the death shroud are so far my favorite. Forgive me if I mised it, but have you made a Rheumpox yet? I like the amount of fluff and thought you've put into it, really brings the army to life.
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Dude, I want visual updates of that blight drone soon! My mind is running amok with fevered, glorious visions of its putrescent beauty! :unsure:
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Wow that blight drone is pretty friggin awesome man.


Thanks, Tanith :D

I have all the parts, minus the green stuff and flying stands, to make two more. I wonder what will be up and coming in the Scourge's forge? ;)


I just read all three pages of your army - awesome! Keep it up, love the army so far. The Blight Drone and the Terminator with the death shroud are so far my favorite. Forgive me if I mised it, but have you made a Rheumpox yet? I like the amount of fluff and thought you've put into it, really brings the army to life.


Thanks for the kind words!

I haven't gotten my hands on Rheumpox - yet. He's going to be one of the last additions, and will be based on the giant Great Unclean One from Forge World.

I've just been holding off from ordering him because I don't want to rush him, and I want to think of something cool to convert him. Thought about giving him a giant, filthy axe...


Dude, I want visual updates of that blight drone soon! My mind is running amok with fevered, glorious visions of its putrescent beauty! :P

:) Haha. He'll be photographed when he's at least got more than one layer of purple on his skin. I've been painting the Land Raider in my limited spare time, maybe I should switch painting subjects?

If you read above though, you'll see that there will soon be three Blight Drones, not one...



... and then GW will release a plastic kit of them with Legions, and I'll go mad with annoyance.





I've just finished a new fluff piece for my armies exploits during the campaign I'm helping to run. You can check it out here.

If you'd like to, anyway.


On another note, I've decided to partake in the Unforgiven Challenge. I'm going to enter my Land Raider and maybe the Blught Drone, though at a later date. Progress will be blogged soon.

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This is the WIP of mhy Tenebrae Lux challenge, a Land Raider.




I've also set my sights on what will come after this. I'm going to make another vow into the same challenge, but can't do so until I paint my Raider. I'm going to paint the Blight Drone, and paint this guy;




He's going to "counts as" Necrosius from the FW IA books. For those that have been reading my Assault on Perseus fluff, this is Phylaxis.

Hope you like the progress!

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Absolutely love it - keep it up.

Thanks, man :)




Update time!


Land Raider is finished!




So here goes my next vow;


I, Araziel, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Blightdrone of Nurgle and one counts-as Necrosius from Imperial Armour seven, The Siege of Vraks for use with Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value of 285 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Pestilent Scourge, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


The Blightdrone will now be receiving the attention of the paintbrush, for those of you who have been awaiting it...

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Only thing I'd add, is weathering to the tracks and around the base. Either, with the Forgeworld powders, or just mucky it up generally. Would just help it look more like a tank than a display piece!
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Only thing I'd add, is weathering to the tracks and around the base. Either, with the Forgeworld powders, or just mucky it up generally. Would just help it look more like a tank than a display piece!


Thanks man. I may go back and detail it further, but I'm happy enough to call it done and dusted for the time being.


I've just blitzed my way through painting the Blightdrone. WIP incoming..




Coming next will be counts-as Necrosius.

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Thanks bud, for the kind words yet again!


I didn't sleep last night, and ended up painting Phylaxis in one sitting. Here he is;




I also never got around to posting the Obliterator's;




And to whet you're appetites for more of Grandfather Nurgle's creations...




My second DIY Blight Drone. Obviously, this is very early on with the sculpting work. I hope to finish him in time to add him into the Tenebrae vow, as well. That gives me till the 15th August to build and paint him...

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Yay, blight drones! Those are a very unique and cool take on the flying daemon grub-copters. My only suggestion is that you could stick some rotors on them, simply to make their profile look more similar to the FW drone.


Phylaxis and the oblits look great!

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Yay, blight drones! Those are a very unique and cool take on the flying daemon grub-copters. My only suggestion is that you could stick some rotors on them, simply to make their profile look more similar to the FW drone.


Phylaxis and the oblits look great!


Thanks bud. It seems you've been looking forward to seeing how the Drones turn out!

I did think about adding rotors, but I'll be honest, I just prefer my version. I feel the kitbashing really gives a heretic feel; nicking bits of Imperial tech to build and all.


I've added a little more to the second Drone, but I haven't really done enough to give him a photoshoot.

The first now has some painted skin, though!





This marks the completion of my second vow. So, naturally, I'll be making a third. I'm really liking the Tenebrae, its making me paint a lot more than I had been. The army had grown a little static; I hadn't been interested in painting while waiting for 6th and Legions. Now though, I may actually have managed to paint everything by the time Legions rolls out!


I'll be painting a Plague Marine squad for my third vow. The mainstay in my force, it looks like I'll need more of them in game now that it appears FNP is being reduced to a 5+ save.

In addition, I'm going to throw down and add another Sorcerer into the mix. With 6th around the corner, it looks like I may end up liking a few of these guys hanging around the table.






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Very nice and gruesome Araziel! The Blight Drone looks amazing at the moment, cannot wait to see it finished. :D The new Plague Squad looks very nice too, some neat kitbashing in there. Gives me inspiration for my Oblivion Warriors when I obtain some proper Chaos bitz. :devil:



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Very nice and gruesome Araziel! The Blight Drone looks amazing at the moment, cannot wait to see it finished. ^_^ The new Plague Squad looks very nice too, some neat kitbashing in there. Gives me inspiration for my Oblivion Warriors when I obtain some proper Chaos bitz. :yes:




Kind words as ever Cambrius, thanks a bunch.


If you're in Aber at any point soon(ish), you can have a rummage in my bitz box if you like.

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It's been a hectic time for the Scourge.


I've been hammering away with the painting on the Plague squad, but have begun to lose a bit of the obscene momentum I had going for my last vows. All I need to do to the Plague squad is to paint the fleshy power fist on the champ, and they're done. The Sorcerer is slightly behind. I've done all the block colouring, and most of the highlighting. Shading will come next, and then he's done as well.



I was at my gaming club today to celebrate 6th being launched, and I treated myself to this guy:




I'm sure you can all guess why (well, the Nurgle-worshippers will know, anyway).


I've also been building this guy in my spare time:




He's very WIP right now, but I have high hopes for him.

Thanks for looking.

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Rather than just retype and repost everything I've just uploaded to the Tenebrae thread, I'll quote;


Vow complete!

I present one seven-man Plague Marine squad with Aspiring Champion, powerfist, two meltaguns and a personal icon:





One Sorcerer of Nurgle with personal icon:






So, onto my fourth vow:

I Araziel answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle from Codex: Daemons and one Chaos Lord with the Mark of Nurgle, Terminator Armour, personal icon and Daemon weapon from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 280 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Pestilent Scourge, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.



Built/Undercoated shots:





Chaos Lord:


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Thanks man. Admittedly, they have been small-ish vows of just a unit or two each. I think I'm now up to two Sorcerers, a Land Raider, a Blight Drone, a squad of Plague Marines and the two I've just entered; Epi and a Lord.

If everything goes well, I'm going to be adding a unit of count-as Plague Bearers before long, as well.

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Epidemius update..

I didn't sleep (again) last night, so I made a start on Epi, before getting bored of painting about 18 layers of skin in different shades and going on Ghost Recon Future Soldier :rolleyes:


Not really looking forward to painting the Nurglings in this manner, they'll take forever... anyway, on to pictures. The skin isn't this bright in real life, the camera over-exposed it a little.







Next will come the shading on what I've already painted. This model has a lot of definitive areas, so I'm going to paint it in chunks. I'll do Epi and his throne first, which will probably be followed by the banner rack behind him. I may squeeze some Nurgling painting in between these, and the multiple stages that will be involved in each. If I leave them till last, I'll probably never paint the bloody things as I know they'll take ages.


Anyway, let me know what you think.

I'd also like some suggestions as to how to paint the hourglass, so if anybody has any ideas...


I've also ordered some Plague Bearers for today. Looking forward to tackling them after Epi and my Terminator Lord.

Thanks for looking!

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Purple Epidemius is best Epidemius!

Also the free-hand on that squad banner is sweet.

I use purple as a base-coat as well on quite a bit of my nurgle stuff, so I'm curious what color purple that is.


Thanks guys. The purple I use is still using the old paints (I rushed out and bought multiples of each of the colours my army uses when there were whispers of the change) is Leviathan Purple as a base, followed by around twenty extremely thin highlight stages where I mix more and more Rotting Flesh into the mix. When all layers are done, I then use a mix of different inks to darken, tone and make the skin "pop" a little. It's a fairly lengthy process, but I like how it looks in the end.

I think to get to the stage you can see Epidemius at in the pictures above, I spent about four hours applying the different highlights.


Here's a shot of a much more up-to-date WIP:




With any luck, I should have him done in a couple of days. I'm thinking of trying to paint vomit running down from his mouth, all over his stomach and dripping down near his thighs. Not sure what paints I'd use though, so won't be rushing that one.

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