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The Pestilent Scourge (Lord/Helbrute updated with pics)


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I made a mistake - I'm using Liche Purple, Leviathan is an ink. Whoops!

This is what the pot looks like...




It's not an exact recipe, anyway. I basically just use that as a base, and then mix until I like the look of my different highlight tones. I never make one tone look exactly like another model in the army, as I'm going for a diseased flesh look and that shouldn't be uniformed. If your colour is lighter than that though, just wash it with brown ink and it'll bring it right down. The original paint on my Epi looks pretty chalky, but now, it looks all wet and squishy. Nurgle isn't perfect anyway, so experimentation and new ideas will always look cool.


Back to the topic of the thread though; I'm nearing the final stages of Epidemius. I didn't work on him last night, instead I killed an obscene amount of alcohol with some mates :lol: I'm nursing my hangover with donuts with painting. I've just got the Nurglings all over him to do, as well as the flesh areas that are "pulled" over parts of the model and the hourglass to go, as well as shading.


I'll see how far I can get him done today and post a photo or two later on this evening.

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OK, time for an Epidemius update (again).

This is how the mini stands for now:




I've deliberatley kept the Nurglings a different tone from Epi in order to make him stand out more. I still need to apply a red wash to them, and then they're finished.


This last picture is to show what I'm doing with his hourglass. I've never painted glass (I don't count helmet lenses), so any thoughts on this in particular I'm very eager to hear.




In addition, I'm struggling to think of anything to paint onto his banner. Any ideas?


As you can tell, he's nearing completion. Hopefully I'll get him done tomorrow, before spending the weekend with my girlfriend. If all goes according to plan, I'll then start on my Lord next Monday. After that, my fourth vow will be complete and I'll make a fifth, vowing to paint five Plague Bearers.

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Sadly, I don't have any of those books. I have Codex: CSM 3rd edition, and Codex: CSM 4th edition.

In the end, I painted a variation of the banner I posted earlier as part of my Tenebrae vow. I like it, so I may do this across the army.


I've made a new thread of my daemon army here, so you can see Epidemius there. He's still not finished, but he's getting there.

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There's enough Nurglings on Epi, I think I'd lose it completely if I had to paint any more at this point :)


Just been dabbling away in Photoshop, made a couple of army list pages I'll print out to take to my next battle:






It comes to just over 1,500 points.

Before you ask, the DP has Doombolt so he can roll for a new psychic power from the rulebook. I'm thinking Pyromancy.

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I dig. I like the names of the different squads- very cool, as per usual.

Yeah soulfire attacks seems like fun- setting enemies ablaze is always a good thing.

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  • 4 months later...

Holy hell, I haven't logged in for six months... and I have very little to show for it!

I've been working 13 hour days, 6 days a week so haven't had much time to model or paint.


BUT I have been tinkering away now and then. I bought Dark Vengeance, our new Codex, a Maulerfiend and 40 zombies and have been slowly but surely creating foul abominations to slaughter in the name of Nurgle.


I don't have any pictures right now, but I'll be back ASAP with some.

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Just as proof that I have been modelling (to myself as much as anybody else!), here's an extremely WIP shot of my Helbrute.




Using the imagery of the pilot's face in the middle of the sarcophagus, I want to make him just look like a really, really big Plague Marine.

He has a LOT of work to go before I even think of painting him, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've made an LPC vow to paint my Helbrute. You can see it here.


In other news, this is what I've been working on:




They don't look very numerous here, but I've still got enough to bring their numbers up to 100 on sprues. Watch this space.




My Maulerfiend.

I play a lot of Cityfight style games when I do play, so I couldn't resist building this bad boy with magma cutters. He can close with enemy armour in a terrifyingly short amount of time!!




Showing off his booty.




I also decided to make him modular. The Hades cannons just pin into him so I can plug them in if I need some S8, Pinning firepower.

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There's enough Nurglings on Epi, I think I'd lose it completely if I had to paint any more at this point :)


Just been dabbling away in Photoshop, made a couple of army list pages I'll print out to take to my next battle:






It comes to just over 1,500 points.

Before you ask, the DP has Doombolt so he can roll for a new psychic power from the rulebook. I'm thinking Pyromancy.


Was just going through the thread again, and am honored to lead a squad of your plague marines into battle. I'll ry not to kill myself with that plasma pistol :D

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Cool! I'm a particular fan of the pustules - not excessive, lovely and subtle - great stuff!


Thanks! I think it would be really easy to overdo the Mauler with green stuff. I still feel its missing something, but I think that may just be the model. I don't think it suits many different Chaos factions with its aesthetics. I think its more of a mainstream kit, for the likes of Black Legion and Corsairs for example.


Was just going through the thread again, and am honored to lead a squad of your plague marines into battle. I'll ry not to kill myself with that plasma pistol :D


I will sacrifice you to the Gods if you fail me. :)



Looking to the future, I want to build a Heldrake out of a Zombie Dragon and some plasticard and bitz. I've had the idea ever since the (crap turkey) model came out, and saw a thread over in the Chaos Legio of somebody building a great looking one. I'll take the plunge soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Beware painting your Nurgle models purple, some people online may get their panties in a knot...

Yeah, I've had that a little bit on other sites. But at the end of the day, these are my models and I'm going to paint them how I want!

Just one question on your army composition... why are you taking melta bombs and power fists?

Because I suck at playing the game, and my powerfists can't punch through paper let alone tanks.

Absolutely loving what you've done with the Hellbrute.

Thanks man.

Sadly I failed the vow. I kept putting it off painting him, thinking to myself "I'll do it next day off", but when you get one day off a week, that's not much time at all really. I'm a body piercer and the tattoo studio I work in went to a tattoo convention on the final weekend anyway, I completely forgot that I had to add the finishing touches to him while I was having an awesome portrait of Michonne from the TV series of The Walking Dead tattooed right over my shinbone... laugh.png

It won Best Tattoo of the Day though, so it's all good!

I'll post some pictures of where I am with the Helbrute either when I get home tonight or first thing tomorrow morning.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks both. 


He was actually pretty simple to build, basically being a kitbash between the Termie Lord and WHFB Lord. I've had this in my mind ever since buying the Fantasy Lord just to paint as he is. 


Off the top of my head, the parts I used were;

  • Terminator Lord body, legs, left arm and force staff
  • WHFB Nurgle Lord belly, head and axe head
  • Grey Knight Terminator right arm
  • Dark Eldar dagger blade/Khorne Berzerker sheathed powersword pommel (the dagger in his right hand)
  • The base of the WHFB Nurgle Lord, with the corners chopped down to fit on a standard 40mm base


A lot of the actual work is just figuring out the right angles to chop bits up in, and then filling in with green stuff. Good luck to you Ravenfeld, on your own! 


I'm hoping to get some more tinkering on Torulosis done on my day off this Sunday, maybe get him ready to be undercoated. A friend getting out of the hobby for expenses reasons just gave me a load of modelling stuff, including Water Effects. I've always meant to pick some of this up, but for some reason I never did. Looking forward to having this guy literally dripping in puss and blood!


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That fiend is looking great, love the pustules. Making a brute into a giant plaguemarine is a fantastic idea, too, looking forward to seeing how he turns out.


As an aside, where did you get the image you're using as a backdrop for your lists?

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I think he looks absolutely fantastic - great pose and looks suitably menacing!

Thanks Chaeron yet again for the kind words. I've been following you're progress too, just have limited time to jump online and post these days!


That fiend is looking great, love the pustules. Making a brute into a giant plaguemarine is a fantastic idea, too, looking forward to seeing how he turns out.


As an aside, where did you get the image you're using as a backdrop for your lists?


Thanks Ghost, The modelling on the Helbrute is complete now, I started to paint him but never finished. I'll post a pic tonight or tomorrow (may be too busy nerding out to Iron Man 3 this evening...) for you all to see. The picture just came up in Google images when searching "Plague Marine (Death Guard) artwork.


I'm considering ordering another two or three off eBay and convert the hell out of some, poses and all, instead of keeping the pose and adding bitz. Will be posting pictures with progress when progress is made. 


Looking to the future; 


I've dug out an old Rhino out of storage boxes from when I was about 14. It's recieving the blessing of the dark gods as we speak (read: being ripped apart, having Imperial icons filed off and being rebuilt) so I want to get that done, Torulosis, the Helbrute, and the Mauler. After that I'll be focussing on painting dozens of zombies. I may watch re-runs of The Walking Dead while doing this just as entertainment....

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