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The Pestilent Scourge (Lord/Helbrute updated with pics)


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Nice greenstuff  work! The Lord and Fiend are looking great, I also really like the purple skin tone, not something you see all the time with Nurgle.

Thanks very much! The skin isn't quite as purple in real life mind, I was going for a generic diseased tone and it came out well in person, it's hard to capture on camera.



Araziel, when you made your maulerfiend/forgefiend, was it hard to find a spot to place the hades cannons? And would it be doable with Ecto as well? 
Lord looks great as usual, can we get a closeup or two of the hellbrute?


It wasn't, it was made easier with the green stuff pustules as there was something underneath the plastic mounts to give the Hades some "grip". I'd say magnets may be a better choice or others. 

I don't see why you couldn't do it with the plasma, to be honest. I think you may need to add some spacers in between the mounting arm and the body, because they're a bit chunkier than the hades, so it may look a little off if you just went and did it. Though please note, I'm basing this entirely on trying to remember what the sprue looks like as I built my Mauler months ago at this point, and its not exactly fresh in my memory!


I'll post some pics of the Helbrute and, for good measure, of my Lord when I get the chance. It may not be until Monday though, working like a loon as I am!



As always, thanks for the praise guys.

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As promised, new pics! 


Back of the Lord:





A terribly bright picture of the Helbrute...





and from behind




He looks so bad right now.... but all my models do right up until the inking. I'm not that great at painting see, I just attack everything in inks!

Thanks for looking

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Too purple for me, but I'm sure that inks will really bring out the best in it! My only gripe more about the purple is that it matches both metal parts and the converted plasma cannon - it might be best to do those in different colours to vary the tone of the piece?

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The purple is just the basecoat on both, Chaeron :)

He's still very much WIP. I always tackle the armour first on models, as that's the messiest part, followed by the skin, then washes, then plasma/lenses - anything that glows, last.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You stole my vow! Well nearly, I ran out of zombie models recently msn-wink.gif. Look forward to seeing your figures painted up smile.png.

I have another 70 of them still on sprues... we'll see about how many I end up doing. If all goes well, I'm going to bump up my vows with a Rhino, Mauler, and maybe some Nurgle Daemon yumminess.

This is the "before" pic of my first vow.


I still need to smooth off the zombies bases with some green stuff, and maybe add some more details to the Tyhpus counts-as. Thinking maybe something on the top of his armour to represent the destroyer hive. Hopefully, painting will commence within the next week.

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