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Hi Everybody


I thought I'd have another crack at writing an IA on my homebrew BA successors. I intend to follow the Codex Astartes and use the BA helmet designations. Let me know if you have any suggestions and C&C, it would be very welcome!


So without further ado:


Chapter Name: The Blood Wardens

Founding: Third founding (c. 001 M32)

Gene-seed: Blood Angels

Homeworld: Angel's Gate (Ice world in Segmentum Obscurus)

Fortress Monastery: The Wardenhold

Battle Cry: "For the Lost!"

Combat Doctrine: Counter-assault


Paint(Tactical marine and DC):








The Blood Wardens were formed during the 3rd founding, from the gene-seed of Sanguinius, to help to help secure the Northern Fringe of the Imperium. They were blessed at their founding with Commander Castiel to lead the new chapter forth into the galaxy, into the galactic north to combat increased raiding by Chaos warbands on vulnerable planets in the Segmentum Obscurus. They found their homeworld in the 9th year of their Founding crusade, on an Ice planet that would come to be known as Angel's Gate. The Blood Wardens had been involved in a long combat with a Death Guard warband upon the world, and had finally managed to bring the force to open battle by luring them out with their Death Company. As the Blood Wardens engaged them a piercing shriek split the air, and a draugur appeared. The draugur was followed by the tribesmen of Angel's Gate. Without hesitation the tribesmen joined the battle, attacking the Death Guard and dragging them down by sheer weight of numbers, even though they were killed by the dozen. Impressed and inspired by the bravery shown by the tribesmen, and with the purity of their genes acertained, Castiel declared that the Blood Wardens had found their homeworld. However, after 200 years of leading the chapter, Castiel vanished in combat with the Black Legion. All that was recovered was the Skyfall Axe . All other traces of Castiel were gone, with nothing to indicate what happened to him. The chapter have since kept this artefact safe, passing it down from chapter master to chapter master. Every chapter master must swear to protect it in the hope that Castiel will one day return to lead the Chapter to glory when they can return it into his keeping. The Blood Wardens actively search for their lost Chapter Master, and are particularly active in pursuit of Black Legion warbands, hoping to find any information that might lead them to him.



Angel's Gate is an Ice world in the Segmentum Obscurus, located in the Calixis sector. It is a harsh planet, bitterly cold, and it's icy plains and mountains are haunted by giant, predatory bird-like creatures, known as the Draugur, many of which are more than capable of carrying off a fully grown man. Indeed, there have even been cases reported where the largest of these creaturs have attempted to carry off the Blood Wardens' scouts, although this inevitably ends badly for the Draugur. The people of Angel's Gate are tough, and remarkably resilient. The people of Angel's Gate live in small clans, each with their own territories and fishing grounds. Each clan is relatively small, usually between 200-300 people, although the largest of the clans can have up to 600 people. Each of the clans will have a clan champion, a position that is highly sought after as the championis given much respect. This champion will be chosen by a tournament in the village, and will remain the clan champion until they are beaten or killed in combat, when a new champion will be chosen. While it is not uncommon for the clans to go to war with each other, whether it is over borders or fishing grounds, most disputes are usually settled by a fight between the champions of the clans in ritual fights. These are fought until assent or death. When the clans do go to war it is inevitably a brutal affair. The clan will take to battle on foot, wielding axes, spears and gloves with long metal bladed spikes that protrude from above the knuckles. Swords are less common, as metal is scarce on Angel's Gate and weilding one is a sign of great wealth and priviledge. On rare occasions it has been known for a particulary brave clansman to steal an egg from the nest of one of the Draugur, and when a clansmen has succeeded in surviving stealing an egg and then successfully hatched and raised the chick they may ride it into battle. Such individuals are few and far between, and often several generations will go past without a Draugur Rider. As such these brave souls are the most well respected of all clansmen. When these individuals take to the field they inspire fear and awe in their opponenents, and many battles have been prevented when the one side has heard that their opponents are fortunate enough to count a Draugur Rider as their own.



The Blood Wardens, like many chapters, do not venerate the Emperor as a god, but rather hold him as a respected individual whose ideals they strive to uphold. They hold Sanguinius as their spiritual father and follow his example in all things.


Battle Doctrine:

The Blood Wardens are noted for their expert use of counter-assault tactics, presenting a target of some form, be it a tactical location or seemingly unsupported squad, that their opponent cannot help but attempt a push to capture or kill, and then launching an all out assault when their opponents lines are streched and weak. This task often falls to the Death Company. Led by a Chaplain, they will draw their opponents into the open and engage them, holding their opponents in combat until the rest of the force arrive. The Death Company are the perfect choice for this duty, as they are fearless, and it is a high risk task, so it is well suited to those who seek a clean death in battle. The Chapter is heavily mechanized and it is rare for a unit to take to the field without some form of transport vehicle, with the exception of their Assault squads and Death Company. The Blood Wardens prefer to use an aerial assault when they counter-attack, using jetpacks and Thunderhawk gunship insertions (and, more recently, Stormravens) to close swiftly with their foe. When they are unable to take to the skies the Blood Wardens make great use of Rhino and Razorback APCs and Land Raiders to launch their assaults.



Let me know what you think!




EDIT: Updated Beliefs, Battle-doctrine and Homeworld.

Edited by Castiel
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Well I like the colors for the chapter, and if I remember correctly, your assault marines will have yellow helmets, devs blue? I'm thinking that your marines could look a little busy, but until I actually see them I could be wrong. I can't comment on much else yet, but keep on chugging.

Yeah, I'm using the BA helmet schemes.


Assault squad:






What do you reckon?

Well I have two recommendations, first change the shoe/boot color to the blue of the greaves, the red looks kind of like clown shoes. My other recommendation would be try and get the attention of Ace Debonair or some of the other Liberites, they play much more with color theory and such, great work they toss out. I do like your idea, but something with them seems just a little off to me. Good luck though.

Thanks for the responses guys!


I plan on using Blood Red and Midnight Blue as the colours, I think that the contrast between the dark blue and light red should work quite well. If the helmets colours are too much I'll just paint them all red and use codex markings instead. I do hope that some of the regulars will take a glance and share their wisdom though, it'd certainly be much appreciated!


Here is a marine with the boots changed:




Not sure whether I like it better or not, I'll need to think on it, and see what others think!


Thanks for the comments, keep them coming! :lol:




P.S Any suggestions for heraldry, I'm still without a chapter icon?


EDIT: Adding some stuff

Edited by Castiel

Well brother, looks like you have some good foundations to work on here. Maybe instead of something used directly by the Primarch himself, what about something that was wielded by one of his sons instead. A famous commander who led the Blood Angels (or 2nd founding successors) under his command during the scouring. A shield may work, to tie in with the name of the chapter.


Now onto my realm of expertise, the heraldry. *picks up my magic technobrush* Looking at the design, I'm not too sure about the use of midnight blue and blood red in that style, however I did try and see how it would look if quartered as suggested by legoss:




Like this it does look a lot better on the eyes and seems more uniform. :lol: I had a bit of a mess about in seeing how the heraldry would look with a paler blue (regal blue) as knowing form experience with my guys, regal blue can be a much easier colour to play with when actually modelling and can group well with a number of colours.




and finally, maybe with a slightly darker red and paler blue (regal blue and red gore)




Have you had any ideas on a symbol yet too?


All in all, a good start Castiel. :)



:: Looks at BC's suggestions ::


:cough: Brazen Claws :cough:


My suggestion:



Red Gore in my opinion would work better with the Midnight Blue, as the lighter red just didn't look right with the darker blue.

The pads also would tie the upper armour into the lower armour better if their colours were inverted (making it more akin to the Mentor Legion / Mentors style).

The hands would look better being the same as the arms.

And finally some Midnight Blue on the backpack crown would tie the backpack in with the red/blue split.



Another idea could be to be more radical, and invert that scheme making it more inline with Lamenters radicalism (ie the fact that red isn't the primary colour on a BA successor):


Edited by Heru Talon
:: Looks at BC's suggestions ::


:cough: Brazen Claws :cough:


Herpdy derp, can't believe I missed that! :)


Heru's ideas look very fine indeed, although maybe have the trim the same colour as the shoulderpads just to help even it out a little better. Maybe the blue shouldn't be on the crown of the backpack and on the exhausts too? Just little tweaks to add to it. :)



That\'s the thing through, a number of canon chapters share the same colour schemes. the Aurora chapter and Invaders for example. Or the Eagle Warriors and the Angels Phorphyr. The thing that makes it different is the symbol, so it\'s no big sin if the colour scheme is similar to another chapter.


Here\'s how it\'d look halved, (opposite to the black wings in colour placement). I remembered that GW no longer produce midnight blue, thus I stuck with regal blue and red gore for this one below:





Edited by Brother Cambrius

Wow, that's a lot of responses, thanks guys!


To begin my answers then:


1) I chose to avoid halved and quartered schemes as they are quite common, however, I agree that the scheme is rather busy. I do like what Heru's done with it though, I may steal some of that! :)


2) I haven't got particularly many ideas for the heraldry yet, I was thinking crossed weapons over a shield/gate, but I think that there is a renegade chpter with that, so I was hoping the heraldry squad here could give me a hand with that.


3) I'm not sure what to do with the weapon of the primarch thing, it was kind of central to the concept of the chapter, but it might be difficult to work, so I might make it that they are guarding an artefact that belonged to their original chapter master, who vanished on a mission that they hope to return to him in the same way as the original plan.


I think that's everything so far, I'll be back later after I spend some time playing with the painter!


Please fire on with more C&C, its been really helpful! :o


Thanks again!




EDIT: Origins also updated!

Edited by Castiel
1) I chose to avoid halved and quartered schemes as they are quite common, however, I agree that the scheme is rather busy. I do like what Heru's done with it though, I may steal some of that! ;)


I wouldn't say they're common as such, but I can easily understand where you're coming form. It's why my Sons of Doom have such a unique colour scheme compared to any other chapter. :)


I had a little more fun messing about with the SMP again and tried some other concepts, some loosely based on the ideas posted above by Heru and yourself to get your opinion:


1) http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hXbsb_hidrU.hlOh1@@@@@@@hGxVO@.@@i8khii8khi@@@________@@@@__________..@@@@@@@@@@@@@.iakk7&grid=TRUE 2) http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hMJwP_hidrU.hlOh1@@@@@@@hGxVO@.@@i8khii8khi@@@________@@@@__________..@@@@@@@@@@@@@.iakk7&grid=TRUE

3) http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hidrU_hMJwP.hlOh1@@@@@@@hGxVO@.@@i8khii8khi@@@________@@@@__________..@@@@@@@@@@@@@.iakk7&grid=TRUE 4) http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hMJwP_hidrU.haLvy@@@_@@@hv0cv@.@@i8khii8khi@@@@_@@@_@@_____@__@_@__@..@@@@@@@@@@@@_.iakk7&grid=TRUE


2) I haven't got particularly many ideas for the heraldry yet, I was thinking crossed weapons over a shield/gate, but I think that there is a renegade chpter with that, so I was hoping the heraldry squad here could give me a hand with that.


The Knights of Blood do possess a shield with a pair of crossed blades over a blood drop, but you could easily alter it so it could just be the shield and blood drop, or even three blood drops next to each other on the shield. :P


3) I'm not sure what to do with the weapon of the primarch thing, it was kind of central to the concept of the chapter, but it might be difficult to work, so I might make it that they are guarding an artefact that belonged to their original chapter master, who vanished on a mission that they hope to return to him in the same way as the original plan.


It can be easily worked into their founding concepts of being guardians and protectors to holy relics of the Blood angels chapter, mostly orbiting around the scared relic they possess of a legend of the Blood Angels during the days of the Great Crusade/Scouring. All it needs is some effort and good explanation of how the relic moulded the chapter into what they are. The chapter Master idea might work as well.



Well I have two recommendations, first change the shoe/boot color to the blue of the greaves, the red looks kind of like clown shoes. My other recommendation would be try and get the attention of Ace Debonair or some of the other Liberites, they play much more with color theory and such, great work they toss out. I do like your idea, but something with them seems just a little off to me. Good luck though.


*Ears prick up* Huh? That sounds like...


Thanks for the responses guys!


I plan on using Blood Red and Midnight Blue as the colours, I think that the contrast between the dark blue and light red should work quite well. If the helmets colours are too much I'll just paint them all red and use codex markings instead. I do hope that some of the regulars will take a glance and share their wisdom though, it'd certainly be much appreciated!


I was right - some poor soul is need of heraldry! :devil:


*Puts Heraldry Dept. Hat on and dashes to the Paintorum*


Let's see if any of these float your proverbial boat:





I know you didn't include any gold on the shoulder rims for your original schemes, but gold is the new black - it works with everything! :D


As far as the badge goes, Cambrius pretty much nailed it. Even minor changes can make a big difference!

Right, here's a few more paint schemes I came up with:





I've borrowed bits and bobs frome the ones I liked above, let me know what you think! I've also changed the blue to regal blue, seeing as GW no longer make midnight blue. I particulary like number three above, so I've stolen the idea of having blue as the central colour!


The shield and blood drop idea sounds great, I think we have our heraldry! :devil:


Also, I've changed the Origins section to be about a chapter master, rather than the Boss himself, let me know what you think!





Edited by Castiel

And yet more schemes!




I was trying to fiqure out a cool looking heraldry for you. Your Chapter name is the Blood Wardens ie to be a warden is to be the gate keeper, or the chief office in a prison. Hence your symbol should look like a Gate house . You can make a gate house with a blood drop on the wall or door, or a key symbol. I do know that in the Bretonians water transfers have black gate symbols on them.

The Liber Astartes Heraldry Department handles colors. The Liber Astartes Fluff Fanatics Squad(L.A.F.F.S. for short) handles fluff and backround. No, this isn't a real thing, I just made it up :P Anyway... As my esteemed colleagues have already taken the colors thing and headed to Emperor knows where, I suppose I should probably do my job and weigh in on the fluff. :)



The Blood Wardens were formed during the 4th founding from the gene-seed of Sanguinius to help to help secure the Southern Fringe of the Imperium. They were blessed at their founding with (Blood Angel commander present at Siege of emperor's palace: name tbc (X for now)).

The Third Founding is known to be at the beginning of M32, 1,000+ years after the siege of Terra and the Heresy. Now, the 4th founding takes place sometime after this, meaning that for your captain to be a Commander present at the Siege of Terra, he would need to be 1600+ years old or more. Now, that is not completely unfeasible, as Dante is some 1500 yrs old and still leads his chapter admirably. However, he is a rare exception, given that marines do age eventually, assuming they don't die a grisly horrible death in millennia or more of battle. Having your leader be a veteran of the Siege and some super hero doesn't work well as a 4th Founding chapter, as the dates are a little thin and he would be OLD. Really old.


However, after 200 years of leading the chapter, X vanished in combat with the Black Legion. All that was recovered was his (power weapon of some kind). all other traces of X were gone, with nothing to indicate what happened to him. The chapter have since kept this artefact safe, passing it down from chapter master to chapter master.

This is the single-minded dedication that marines have to their Primarchs. Their literal fathers, whose blood flows through their veins. Unless this first Chapter Master did something truly legendary, I doubt this would happen. Emperor > Primarch of the Chapter > Other Loyalist Primarchs > Chapter Heros. (In general) Secondly, this seems eerily similar to the legends of the Primarch's disappearances. Dorn's Skeleton, Corax Claws, Vulkan's 9 Gifts, Sanguinus's Spear, Russ's Spear (Source Depending), etc etc. In each of these cases, a Primarch is involved. I reiterate that your CM needs to have done something truly epic, like hurling a Bloodthirster into a raging sun, or punching his way out of a black hole. Something beyond a 'normal' CM's awesomeness.


Every chapter master must swear to protect it until the End Times, when they believe X will rise to once more do battle with the powers of Chaos and they can return it into his keeping.

See, this ties into the above, if his weapon and his legacy of rebirth in the end times are that important, he better have done something above and beyond.


The Blood Wardens were soon noted for their expert use of counter-assault tactics, defending a point until their opponents line showed a weakness, and then launching an all out aerial assault on that point, using jetpacks and Thunderhawk gunship insertions (and, more recently, Stormravens).

What if they lack air superiority, are fighting on a planet where air untenable, fighting in boarding actions in space, etc etc. The holding of the line on the ground and then counter-attacking from the sky is cool, but it isn't enough to include as their 'well known, well-renowned fighting style. Even if they are that famous for this, it would fit better in the combat section. The origins section should set up the rest of the sections in a typical IA format. If that is what you are aiming for, the origins should include some early exploits, a quick overview on how they found their planets/fleet, and some early conflicts/troubles they had. All in all it should provide a lot of foreshadowing for the rest of the IA, drawing people in to learn more.


Let me know what you think!

Done and Done :) First real idea is interesting, but perhaps instead of just holding the weapon and waiting, they actively search for their lost hero and their Primarch? Something to motivate and drive them, rather then let them just passively hold the gun/sword/mace/cannon. Once our venerable heraldry dept gives you something decent I look forward to seeing more of their backround and what makes them tick. Keep it up!


-Shinzaren, Agent of L.A.F.F.S

Edited by Shinzaren

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