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Death Guard, 1st Great Company

major higgins

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Finally I finished to paint my 1500 Pt Death Guard army. I'd like to show you my job... Be patient for the quality of the picture, I hope that you can see the paint job, I'm not a great photograper... B)


Let's start!





Here is Mabrothrax, the Chosen One. He's my HQ, the chosen of Mortarion. I really don't like the BG of Thypus, but I need a solid HQ choice, so I run him with the traitors rules, in waiting of something new in the new codex.




Champion and two men of the first squad (Squad Pestis)




The other four battlebrothers






The whole Pestis squad.




Champion and two men of the second squad (Squad Ebola)




The rest of the second squad.






Second squad and their Rhino.




Champion and men of the third squad (Squad Pandemia)




The rest of the squad




Squad Pandemia with their Rhino.








Land Raider Infectus Primus, Heavy Support and transport of the First Squad and the Lord




First Squad of Obliterators. I really don't like the idea to fit them, but they are invaluable in this list and with this codex...






Second squad of Obliterators.


Apart the third Squad; as you can see they are the old metal squad with some modify, I sculpted most of the model starting from the standard Chaos marine and modelling the Nurgle's aspect and gift with Green Stuff. The obliterators are from Chaos terminators, Loyalist heavy weapon and a lot of Green stuff. Finelly my Lord. I'd like to say that was all my work, but sadly I'm not so good with sculpting tools. It was an riginal job from a man of my outskirts. I think that he really did a great job.


Cheers... Comments and advise are welcome..

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I really like the wood doors on the landraider. Awsome idea. Great job on all of the units. The obits look better than the stock obits. Hope the new rules bring back some old glory to chaos.
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