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Death Company Questions


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I am not a BA player, but I am intrigued by the Death Company. I have read through the Codex and have been on here looking around. My questions are these:


1: I have only seen DC with Rhinos. I see in the codex that if DC does not have jump packs they can take any transport. Does this mean that DC can take Razorbacks, Rhinos and land raiders? Can DC Assult troops take Storm Ravens?


2: I know DC is not a scoring unit, but if someone was to make an entire DC army, can DC use the Heavy Supports and Fast Attacks slots for Land Speeders, Land Raiders, Baal Preditors, etc...


3: Are there DC units in TDA?


As I said, im not a BA player, but the idea of Death Company is very interesting to me and its actually my favorite BA unit. Thank you in advance for your help in answering these for me.

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1. DC can take Land Raiders or Razorbacks or drop pods or rhinos as dedicated transports. No unit can take a Storm RAven as a dedicated transport, but you can buy a Raven as a heavy choice and put the DC in it.


2. DC don't take up slots other than Troops. Other choices are perfectly legal.


3. There are no DC in terminator armor.

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Thank you for your answers. I should have clarified myself a bit more on the Heavy Support and Fast Attack Slots. So if my understanding is correct, if someone was to paint up predators, land speeders, and the such as DC (black with red x's), then they can be used with DC
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Thank you for your answers. I should have clarified myself a bit more on the Heavy Support and Fast Attack Slots. So if my understanding is correct, if someone was to paint up predators, land speeders, and the such as DC (black with red x's), then they can be used with DC


Death Company don't crew vehicles of any kind. They are literally insane.


Their dedicated transports would be painted in their colors but all other vehicles would be painted chapter colors and be crewed by regular sane battle bothers.

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But who will argue if the Death Company like their paint job just the way it is :P


Still, the Crew remains non-DC. A DC marine would probably not know how to fly a SR or how to ride a tank(for which tech adepts are used) and a black SR with red crosses, while cool looking, is not fluffy. As JamesI said, SR are not dedicated transports unlike Rhinos, Razorbacks...etc and are therefore always painted in chapter colours.(That's what I think about it).




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If my memory serves me correctly, there's a black-coloured DC Storm Raven in our Codex, in one of those longer stories. The one that's carrying good ol' Moriar.


I think an all-black DC army would look awesome. I can already picture it: Astorath has found an extensive concentration of Black Rage and is leading the charge against the enemy.

All supporting vehicles are therefore painted black by Astorath's command, in honour of this huge sacrifice, even though the pilots are still completely sane.

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If my memory serves me correctly, there's a black-coloured DC Storm Raven in our Codex, in one of those longer stories. The one that's carrying good ol' Moriar.


I think an all-black DC army would look awesome. I can already picture it: Astorath has found an extensive concentration of Black Rage and is leading the charge against the enemy.

All supporting vehicles are therefore painted black by Astorath's command, in honour of this huge sacrifice, even though the pilots are still completely sane.


It would look cool yes, but if they ever decided to run a standard BA army instead of a DC army you would be stuck with all these out of place looking DC vehicles. I guess i'm saying if they decided to collect BA in any form they should stick to the chapter colors for most vehicles so if they changed their mind on what type of army they wanted to run, it wouldn't look out of place. This is unless of course they know its a one time deal and are just collecting a specific DC only list they will never get tired of.


just my two cents.

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This storm raven is unique to chaplain Lemartes its his personal transport. I will build another red one too but the DC get their own ride they are worth it :D



As an aside while the DC have sucumbed to rage does it diminsh their cognitive/technical abilities obviously they understand the intricacies of a bolter and can actually load and operate it rather just using it as a club.

If a DC marine can operate a jump pack why not a storm raven? yes he might just fly the thing straight into an enemy position but thats what usually happens, drop from reserve flat out and assault next turn.

For my own purposes I will paint a red guy in the pilots seat just to make sure they do get to the battle in one piece.

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