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Dreadnoughts and Drop Pods, Help?

Machine God

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Hello All.


I was wondering.


A Dreadnought can take a Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport, true.


Do I have to spend real money and buy a FW Dreadnought Drop Pod to use one in a game or can I buy just a normal GW Drop Pod or even use one of my old FW Drop Pods?

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You can just get a normal one from GW, its perfectly legal. I've even seen some people magnetise the center seats, so that they can be removed to use for dreadnoughts. The Forgeworld Dreadnought drop pods are a different type of pod and actually have their own set of FW rules allowing them to assualt when they land.
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Aside from letting your opponent know that you'll be using FW rules, you also run the risk of people thinking it is lame to use FW rules without also getting the model...


Something else to be prepared for...


I never said that I was going to use the FW Lucian Pattern rules. I asked about the C:SM rules. I asked the question as to what I thought should be the case, seeing as GW don't make Dreadnought DP's.


I am going to a tourney and have been told that while I cannot field FW, I can use their models to count as GW models - Contemptor used as a normal Dreadnought for example.


Sure I should have bought FW Dreadnought Drop Pod's instead of normal the FW Drop Pod's a few years back which would have saved the hassle, but I wanted to save money.


All I need to do now is drill out the innards of my FW Drop Pods to show the space and also to be able to transport 10 instead of 5 Space Marines.

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Everyone I know just use the normal GW drop pods for both marines and dreadnoughts. And usually don't bother removing the marine harnesses inside either...



That's right. Drop pods are drop pods are drop pods; you don't need a special model, nor do you need to modify your model. Feel free to use the same stock GW pod for regular Marines, Terminators, or Dreadnoughts - it doesn't matter.



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Ahhh, I see, I misunderstood then.


Everyone I know just use the normal GW drop pods for both marines and dreadnoughts. And usually don't bother removing the marine harnesses inside either...

I've seen someone use a drop pod as a 'Nid Spore, with just a little green stuff along the edges...

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The thing about the Drop Pod is that - without the harnesses in there - the Dread could conceivably fit inside. However, he can't fit out thru the doors...so I modeled my drop pod so the top and wings are all snug fits but not glued. He punches his way out. <3
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The thing about the Drop Pod is that - without the harnesses in there - the Dread could conceivably fit inside. However, he can't fit out thru the doors...so I modeled my drop pod so the top and wings are all snug fits but not glued. He punches his way out. <3


If you played the Dawn of War 2 (+Chaos Rising expansion and I think they included this in Last Stand too) whenever your Dreadnaught came in a Drop pod it would pretty much destroy the drop pod on it's exit. Thus that is a great representation of some 40k media.


As to the OP, there exist no requirement to buy the Forgeworld Dreadnaught Drop Pod, especially considering that the GW Plastic Kit can easily be set up to appear to be able to carry a Dreadnaught. Something I think I should have done was use magnets when making mine so I could switch out setups and so I could actually place my Dreads inside.

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Something I think I should have done was use magnets when making mine so I could switch out setups and so I could actually place my Dreads inside.

Yea, my first Drop Pod I did not do this with; it's strictly a dread pod. I will be magnetizing in the harnesses for pod 2.

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