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Ultramarines Sternguards

tiny sam

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I get my brother for the christmas gift exchange. hopefully for me, he's a 40k player so I'm going to build him a 5 man sternguard veterans squad.

i'm still in the gathering idea process so I'll need your help to figure out if some ideas are good or clearly not that good :devil:

i'm starting with the easy ones

the crested sergeant


and the shoulder plate decoration, I made a mold for the little U with a wing so every member of the squad could get one.


and a last modification, I'm not realy sure about that one and I really need you opinion. (It's a proof of concept, it need refinement)

lorica shoulder plate.


I can make the lorica plate a little longer to mask the shoulder plate and/or add another imbriqued plate to smooth the plating

it can even replace the shoulder plate

Critics, comments or help is welcomed!

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The crested Sergeant looks great, i'd keep that.


The second marine has such a nice pose, and great job with the green stuff, the 'U' looks good.


For the shoulder pad, its just too high for me. I like the idea though. Maybe you can cut into the solder pad, so then it lines up better? Making the top of your pad, equal with the plastic shoulder pad.


Looking good though.

Thanks for feed back!

I gived a try to the lorica only like kapturowski and 1000heathens suggest and I think it look good


should I do both Shoulder plate that way? or keep one as a "special honour plate" (the rest of his squad will look pale in comparison...)

I also managed to get my first cast for the winged U


just need a little cleaning and it will look good!

I was thinking to a another one in MkVI as it is his favorite armor, probably the guy with the heavy flamer. and an old wary vet with a stalker/scope if some one has an idea for the last one?

thanks again! here is a quick update!

after a subtle discution with my brother I learn that he never paid powerfist to his proxied sternguards ;) so I made an ultramarines gladius for the sergeant out of a space wolf sword

after all I think he look more balanced with it.


what do you think?

At first glance for tht final picture, I said it be really cool if he had the assualt marine powerfist that looks lik hes pointing at the enemy... but after reading the caption my image was torn... but then I thought if you could find a hand like Sergant Chronus pointing that would be twice as coool....


Other than that this model looks amazing... I wish i had one xD

yeah unhopefully their is no right pointy arm, except the power fist.


he will either be lifting his bolter to shoot or resting his arm at his side while he look over the battle field, not quite sur at that moment.


one sure thing it's that the Pteryges is almost finished

Thanks everybody for the kind words, I was very surprise to see that thread resurecting from page 2 :devil:

I've finaly managed to find an arm that fit the sergeant

the Pteryges is the next thing I'll do on this one, and the joint on his legs


and I began an heavy flamer wield by a veteran with MkVI greaves, helmet and shoulder plate


Comments? critics?

  MeatGrinder said:
Looking good, minor concer though, I think the lorica is a bit to low on the shoulder. adding a bit of greenstuff underneath to raise it up would add a little bulk and make the model look a bit more impressive.


in fact it's an illusion, the arm is blue tacted and it slided downward :D

some progress!

I began a Mk IV armor for one of the vet. the Torso is in good way and I'm waiting for the leg to cure before filed them down a bit.


and I continue progress on the sergent, I think I can call it done (just missing the paint of course :P)


Edit : forget the pictures...

Inspired by Alejandrinus work I finished my mk IV veteran


with his arms


his head is still curing so you'll understand I won't put it on the model for now ;)


I'm planning a heavy bionicly modified vet for the last one (probably the damage face with a custom arms and an custom leg)

Comments are welcomed!


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