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Color scheme feedback


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Hey all, I'm working on a new army for myself, which is a Blood Angels Successor force. As such, I've got a Stormraven in the army, but I'm not quite sure how to paint it. For reference, this is the most recent WIP shot of the infantry models. So I basically have a red and black scheme, with yellow trim on the shoulderpads due to them being 2nd Company, and then green purity seals and gemstones. For the Rhinos/Predators in the army, I'm doing an almost segmented look, basically red on the main armor parts, and then black on the "lower" parts of the armor and the doors. I should probably get a WIP of that done for reference on this as well.


But yeah, I'm not sure if that would work quite as well on a Stormraven, as the segmentation on this is totally different. Any advice you folks might have would be helpful.


I wonder if I could take an actual picture of the model as it is (primed grey) and then use Photoshop to paint it ala the Space Marine painter to give an idea of what it might look like...

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I wonder if I could take an actual picture of the model as it is (primed grey) and then use Photoshop to paint it ala the Space Marine painter to give an idea of what it might look like...


This is very doable.


I'm having a similar issue with my own Storm Raven. I am painting my vehicles mostly silver with certain inset areas in the two colors of my scheme, but I'm thinking that my flyer will be more solidly colored with silver highlights.

Alrighty, I took a picture and did some crude painting-over in Photoshop. Far from quality material, but it works for giving an idea (Just pretend the imperfect edges is the paint chipping from battle damage :cuss). I did three schemes, what do you think? Feel free to suggest something not any of them, either.








EDIT: One more.



Hmm, hazard stripes could be interesting. I was actually going to paint the housings for the forward lights in yellow and repeat the same on all the ground vehicles as the 2nd Company markings for the vehicles.


Given the mix of opinions between the two schemes, and not having a massive preference for either one, I think I'm gonna mix them. Many parts of both schemes are the same, and I've already done a base coat on those parts. All that's left is the wings, cockpit coverings, forward thruster housings, and parts of the tail. I'm leaning towards #2 for the wings, thrusters, and tail, and #5 on the cockpit parts.



Well, I WAS going to take a picture of what I settled on, but my camera batteries died, and the charger is on the other side of the Atlantic, so...


Here's another Photoshop of what I picked out. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!




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