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Calgar-ish conversion


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Is it tourny legal to have a Clagar-ish model, but with dual Plasma Pistols

instead of Bolt Pistols? Sorry if this isnt the right thread.

I built a counts-as Calgar. He's got two Power Fists and I carved up and mounted single bolter-barrels to each fist to represent his "built-in storm bolters"; then I stuck an iron halo on him and trimmed his paint job up with a lot of subtle gold highlighting. Before it was just two power fists and my TO wouldn't allow it...he did after my additional work there.


So, it depends on your gaming group. Most TOs I've met would not allow it as dual plasma pistols don't remotely represent storm bolters...and where are the power fists? :) When doing a counts-as, do what you can to make the model immediately recognizeable as what it is; usually this means modelling all of the relevant war gear and otherwise making the model stand out.


Bottom-line: ask your gaming group/TO. If they say Yes, it's cool. If not, conversions are fun. :P

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What i ment is that he has plasma pistols in addition to

the power fists.

it depends on the codex.....


I know the C:DA lets you have 2 lightning claws, stormbolter and a plasma pistol (if I remember right) so it is a hard conversion to wysiwyg it wit it is rules legal to field. but if the codex does not allow you to make the upgrades you cant field it "legally".


if this helps - from the c:DA faq


Q. Is there a limit on the amount of wargear a model can

carry? For instance, can a Company Master really take

lightning claws, a combi-weapon, a bolt pistol and

grenades? If yes, does this mean a Master can shoot his

bolt pistol and then charge in and use his pair of lightning

claws? (p79-87)

A. There is no limit. Yes, the Grand Master can absolutely

do that. Remember that lightning claws can be retracted

into their casing!


edit: used the wrong FAQ entry here's the one I meant


Q. Technically, a Company Master can be equipped with a

pair of lightning claws (replace the chainsword), plus a

storm bolter (additional weapon), plus a plasma pistol

(replace the bolt pistol). Is this allowed? (p80)

A. Yes, but to do this the model will need to be heavily


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I misunderstood. Perhaps you do not mean a Counts-As Calgar. Perhaps you mean a Captain with two Power Fists and two Plasma Pistols...in which case, what Timmy said. Check your codex.


Your captain starts with a chainword and a bolt pistol in most codecies, and he's got to trade one or the other to get either a Power Fist OR a Plasma Pistol. Once he has two power fists,


I misunderstood. Perhaps you do not mean a Counts-As Calgar. Perhaps you mean a Captain with two Power Fists and two Plasma Pistols...in which case, what Timmy said. Check your codex.


Your captain starts with a chainword and a bolt pistol in most codecies, and he's got to trade one or the other to get either a Power Fist OR a Plasma Pistol. Once he has two power fists, OR two plasma pistols, OR one of each, he no longer has either a bolt pistol or a chainsword which he can trade out. So, in most of the marine codecies (the ones I know), the answer is no.


Possibly the Space Wolf codex allows this with Wolf Guard? I think this came up before and the SW players frowned on it, but I can't recall. (Not that a 1W no invuln, no EW model is worth that many points.)

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However, if you had a model who was armed with 2 power fists and 2 plasma pistols, and told people he counted as being equipped with 1 power fist 1 plasma pistol (or even master crafted versions of them) I doubt they should have any issues.
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However, if you had a model who was armed with 2 power fists and 2 plasma pistols, and told people he counted as being equipped with 1 power fist 1 plasma pistol (or even master crafted versions of them) I doubt they should have any issues.

I respectfully disagree; however, YMMV. <3 As your gaming group. In the end, it's their call.

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For local fun play, do what you want. For tournaments, this is a game where you need to own it to play it, and it has to be WYSIWYG.


Counts as Calgar? No problem for fun play.


Converted Calgar with 2 fists, 2 storm bolters, in the correct armor version, no problem for either.


Maybe some day we'll have the flexibility to create our own special characters beyond the codex restrictions.


For fun play - there are alot of resources for non-codex characters and special units / special rules that would be fun to use. Example: CYPHER. He has special rules and 2 pistols, etc. There are some published on the web fan-resources that even give Cypher reasonable point limits for use in today's games, and even a retinue for additional happiness.

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However, if you had a model who was armed with 2 power fists and 2 plasma pistols, and told people he counted as being equipped with 1 power fist 1 plasma pistol (or even master crafted versions of them) I doubt they should have any issues

I respectfully disagree; however, YMMV. <3 As your gaming group. In the end, it's their call.

The Rulebook actually provides this as a example of good count-as (In this case, non-count-as) that most sporting players will allow. No subtle insult there, mind. :ph34r:


If he's got two power fist/pistols, but you've only ever got one, then you can't have two, so if you give him two he hasn't got two. Same concept as those people who make their captains duel-wield. But it is personal/group choice.


EDIT: Made it clearer. I think.

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