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Counts as - Typhus?


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My wife is starting a Nurgle-based army, and wanted to make a Terminator Lord into a counts-as Typhus' rules model. Same stats, wargear and point value. She wanted to know if that would fly in tournaments, and I honestly had no clue as I've never tried anything like that. So what's the verdict? ;) Thanks in advance!
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I was sceptic about thypus in game, but I was forced to reconsider him after some game with him. I warth every point you pay fro him... You could have problem just again power fist, but with a correct charge you can avoi most of the problem and with 3 + d6 attack you can easily wip out any units...
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  • 1 month later...
My Typhus is a Counts as. I used the Black Reach Terminator Sargent. I took the Soldering Iron Too Him Melted some Marks of Nurgle and a Lot of Other Rot/Damage. Then Used Some Arms a Grey knights Force Halbert as the Shaft then a Genestealer Scything Talon as the Scyth head. Then Gave him the Resperator Marine Head then Added some Extra Smoke Launchers to the Back as the Destroyer Hive then Painted him all Nurglely. Works well enough plus starts a good conversation. I wish More players would dive into the World of Custom Counts as Stuff. It's one of the most rewarding parts of the Hobby.
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