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Ogerth Istaarn's Junior Chaplains

Olgerth Istaarn

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Here are three Junior Chaplains, which will count as Blood Priests for the Assault Task Force of the Storm Dragons.


I didn't want Apothecaries in assault squads. When a tactical squad is shooting it out with someone, it's conceivable that an injured brother will be tended to by an Apothecary. In the swirling melee however... by the time everyone is done slugging it out, it's probably too late. Plus, in CC you're likely to get your head sawed (torn, eaten, exploded, smashed) off by something nasty, so a quick patch by an Apothecary won't do much.


Anyway. These guys are Junior Chaplains. They run with assault squads, and instead of Crozius carry a version of a Warding Staff. The staff projects a forcefield around the unit (Feel No Pain), counts as a power weapon, and the presence of a Chaplain inspires the brothers to fight harder (Furious Charge).


The chalices symbolize the Chalice of Wrath, a metaphor that is frequently referenced in the Storm Dragons' Litanies of Hatred. It is also a title of a rather awesome



The Warding Staves are much too advanced to be forged even on a Forgeworld. A limited number of them was gifted to the Chapter by their patron Inquisitor Saralen Kurtzmann, who had the Inquisition Rosette imprinted upon them. The Rosette is a double-edged sword; it marks the Storm Dragons as favored by an Inquisitor, but also serves as a reminder that the Chapter is still beholden to their Lady the Protector.


Where the staves came from is unknown, and they are not Force Weapons, despite resembling Warding Staves of the Grey Knights.



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