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From Nothing to Blood Angels

Forty Three

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Hey everyone,


I've been lurking around the BA section here for a little while now, since I decided to start making some BA. I've played Daemons, Tyranids and Spacewolves, but really felt like going for some jumpers (something space wolves suck mightily at) and after painting grey for what seems like an eternity, bright red seemed awesome.


Now, as opposed to all my previous armies, I decided to not compromise on modeling in order to get it to be playable ASAP - I'm using resin bases for all of them, and making sure they are all posed dynamically.


Here is the first model; I realized after taking the pictures that there are some things I need to fix (damn that zoom). Namely, the drops on the jump pack, and the chest eagle.


Other than that, I'm pretty happy with the results. Any comments?



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Right, so after a successful test, I went ahead and painted the first combat squad. Here they are in all their glory. I also fixed the eyes of the first guy, using a fantastic tutorial I found in the Librarium, and liked it a lot so did the same to the rest.




Hope you like it! I'm having a blast painting BA, and I can't wait to paint different units (although the Sanguinary Guard have me a little scared. Bought the first box today, we'll see if I can make them look presentable.)


I'll also be making some Sang priests out of the sanguard box, and then need to find a nice librarian model. I'm thinking about converting Sevrin Loth and adding a Sang Guard winged pack. Do any of you have other suggestions for a good librarian to convert into a JP one?






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  • 3 months later...

Back from the grave! I've been gone but now back with a vengeance. Finished the first squad of 10 ASM, then started working on more ASM, sanguinary guard, a librarian and sanguinary priests. I just finished the first priest, here. I have a second one which is almost finished, just missing the backpack.





Edit: embedding picture for convenience



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  • 2 weeks later...

Back again! Been working on my second Sanguinary priest, the beginning of a Sanguinary Guard squad, and trying to get started on the second ASM squad. I did, however, finish my Jump Pack librarian - I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. His eyes and loincloth turned out pretty nice I think.


Comments very much welcome (also criticisms, please!)







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Nice stuff he looks great, and the colours work really well.


I would suggest a bit more depth on the wings, maybe a darker wash, then highlight the wings in a slightly off white, then use a pure white to highlight the tips. Its better to do it by hand than dry brush as you'll often lose the details, particularly on the final highlight.


He looks a bit like a lollipop lady that help children cross the road here in Aus near schools :lol: Hand up to stop cars, fluero stick for visibility

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