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Astorath Finecast for Raven Guard?

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My insane plan is to use an Astorath the Grim finecast model to beef up my current Raven Guard Captain. I'm having two issues, one fluffy, one related to bits, so help me out if you please.


Fluffy: I want to basically stick Astorath's wing-pack-thingimus onto the back of my Captain with a jump pack, but at the same time, I wonder if the modest, stock jump pack fits RG "style" better than wings. It almost seems like I would be resurrecting Corax's flight pack, and I just wonder if that would be too ornamental for Raven Guard. :( I know that's arbitrary, but I like to get feedback before I do something that crazy.


Bits Issue: I can't find any pictures, video, or data about what assembly is required for the Astorath Finecast. Specifically, do the wings come unattached? Could I just rip off a jump pack, and slap those babies right on to the back of an assault marine model? Is the FC all one piece? Would major conversion be required?


Any help would be much appreciated!



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If the finecast is done the same way as the metal one - and it looks like the same mould was used - then the body is one whole piece from toes to head, including the arms in the 'over the head' pose. The only separate things are the pack (body part and wings) and the Executioner's Axe; which is the weapon itself with Astorath's hands moulded as part of it.

I used the Astorath model for my NL and I have to say the model looks good with the normal jump pack, larger wings (spread out) and even no wings at all (sort of).


The model is really nice, especially with finecast however remember that his armour has a lot of crevasse so some miscasts are usual


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