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Multiple Lascannons!


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Go easy on me this is my first post!


Playing against a Space Wolves army yesterday a dreadnought was fielded which in addition to twin linked lascannons and close combat weapon had a shoulder mounted lascannon and an additional lascannon mounted on the side of the twin linked lascannon! Essentially giving him two twin linked lascannon's!


Surely this can't be legal or am I missing something?

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If he played the CCW (close combat weapon) then yes it was illegal. Tho a Dread could have 2 TL lascannons but not 2 TL lascannons, AND A close combat weapon. I'd still play him but he has to choice what weapon system he is using and only use that load out threw out the game.
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If he played the CCW (close combat weapon) then yes it was illegal. Tho a Dread could have 2 TL lascannons but not 2 TL lascannons, AND A close combat weapon. I'd still play him but he has to choice what weapon system he is using and only use that load out threw out the game.


did they change that in the wolf book? cause AFAIK no marine dread can get 2 TL-Las out of the normal books at least. (Forgeworld maybe?)

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Forgeworld allows 2 Twin linked lascannons on a dread, but no CCW (I'm not sure if wolves can take this particular dread type in forgeworld, I thought it was DA only).
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C:SW does not allow that configuration. It is possible it could be done with Forge World rules, but without knowing which book to look in I wouldn't know where to check...


You can only swap out the CCW for a missile launcher unless like you have already said your using Forgeworld in which case he should have asked


It can also be swapped out for a TL Auto Cannon.

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He had a Twin-Linked Lascannon, with a normal Lascannon attached to it on the side, with a Lascannon mounted on the shoulder, and a Close Combat weapon?


If that's right, then he's either cheating so badly he should be shot, or he's misunderstood the rules.


He did actually use all those weapons, I presume? It might have been some sort of weird count-as, the TL LC having three barrels instead of the normal two (Having no effect on the rules), and the single shoulder lascannon counting as a Flamer or Storm Bolter....

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Cheers for that, I thought it may only be possible using Forgeworld rules.


He insisted that you could use the full load out under normal Codex rules.


Anyway nothing that carefully deployed 2 X Plague Marine squads with multi-meltas couldn't cope with!

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He insisted that you could use the full load out under normal Codex rules.


In my experience when someone makes such a claim its worth making them show you. Either its the truth and they will happily show you or its not and you dont get someone messing with you ;)

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In my experience when someone makes such a claim its worth making them show you. Either its the truth and they will happily show you or its not and you dont get someone messing with you :P



Show and tell is the name of the game instead of casting blame. Follow this rule and you'll feel no pains from outlandish claims!

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