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Painting silver


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Lorenzen has the right of it for a neutral silver. A cooler silver should have a basecoat of purple or blue, and a warm silver will have a basecoat of orange or red. You can choose to add washes. (A wash of bronze over silver gives a pleasing effect)


Citadel metallics are pretty good at coverage, so if you want to slowly build up the metal while keeping a bit of the basecoat showing through you'll need to water the metals down pretty far.


You can also just basecoat black and do a very thin wash of another color over the boltgun/mithril to give it a lovely tint.



Yeah, it's just for the chest eagle, helm skulls and other small details.





I think i'll go for the cooler silver option. Will try washing the results afterwards.



Thanks for the tips, both of you. Admittedly, Citadel paints are a tad tough to procure where i come from so i'll be using acrylics from Tamiya instead. Their gunmetal gray and titanium silver appears to be a good match for boltgun metal and mithril silver.

You can build up thin layers of a dark metal equiv, highlight with chainmail equiv, wash with a blue/black wash and highlight with chainmail then edge highlight silver to give a dark metal finish, and for a bright silver finish, use chainmail highlighting up to silver mixed with a little chainmail, was, and edge highlight with pure mithril. Remember that chainmail and boltgun metal are just mithril silver with different qties of black in the mixture....


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