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Guardians of the maze


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Greetings brothers


I have been bored at work, so checked the forgeworld new stuff, jsut cos really. Now seeing the new minotaurs doors really gave me an idea for a minor deamon of tzeentch. the deamon could take the form of a minotaur type creature, and involve some sort of ever changing maze, that traps its prey in. not sure how this will all work yet, just been browsing around.


Army list wise, I have a few ideas.


A summoned greater deamon (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/INCA...-OF-BEASTS.html)

My deamon prince, blessed with flight, and possibly mark of tzentch (with suitable lighting bolt effect on the horns) (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/CHAO...ALE-TAURUS.html)


Maybe 2-3 units of marines with mark of tzeentch, represented by these shields (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/SPAC...PGRADE-SET.html). These could be painted up to look like walls with vines on them etc, to possibly look like moving walls within the labrinth (sp?)


Of course they would ride in rhinos with the minotaur doors (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/MINO...HINO-DOORS.html)


I was thinking of using some spawn which would be made out of beastmen minotaurs. possibly summoned lesser deamons using beastmen, but figured the main idea of the labrinth is a single scary beast within, not hordes (ok, some liberty with having 3 spawn but hey ho). Or some rohan models on foot, as humans who are trying to beat the maze, using deamons rules again. Could also use some vindies with their nice large siege shields painting as wall pieces again.


This is jsut an idea that has come to me, so still sketchy on the details, but as an idea, what are your thoughts? And do you have any other recomendations for what to use?

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I'm sure some guy here has done his army based around a lesser warp entity as the god of his marines that takes on a bull like form... Maybe the legion of Taurus...


It also makes me think of The Key... and to that end the webway. It could be that a sorcerer has access to the webway... Maybe one of Ahriman's chosen or some other baddy and maybe has has summoned and bound daemons to protect his entrance to the webway... Stop people using it to access the webway and also to protect his base should something come the other way!


Your idea is fine, I'm just spitting out some ideas in case they spark something in your mind.

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Just looked them up, cheers for the info. They are pretty cool, although I think i'll be going with a more spartan/greek theme (off white armour, and a gold pattern maybe) if I do these guys.


and that would be a great way to explain the idea behind it. They are guarding a entrance to potentially the black library. Charged with guarding it by an inq, who then entered and hasn't been seen since. What the marines don't realise is its actually a webway entrance which is corrupted (can they be corrupted?) or leads to warp. So they spend centuries guarding faithfully, seeing off eldar, and others who have been tempted by the rumours of great power. All the while defending a deamon (who has munched the first inq) and is slowly corrupting the marines.

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