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Fast Tanks( BA Rhinos, Predators, etc.)


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No they do not, that is a special rule for Fast Skimmers, unless the vehicle says it gets it otherwise in it's codex entry of course.


BRB page 70 describes Fast vehicles in general while 71 includes the rules for Skimmers including Fast skimmers and how they are affected by the rules.

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Skimmers get 4+ while turbo-boosting bikes get 3+ :yes:


bikes and skimmers are different they BOTH do not "turbo-boosters", bikes "turbo-boosters" skimmers move "flat out"(which by itself does not grant a cover save).


Just because they both gain a cover save based on their movements does not make it the same ability, bikes have an ability called "turbo-boosters" that alows them to move up to 24" but must also end its move 18" away from its starting point to gain the cover save.


The skimmer on the on the other hand has a static rule(its not a ability at all it is a rule that just is) that said if the skimmer moved flat out last turn(and is not immobilized) counts as obscured (4++) all skimmers have this but only the "fast" skimmers can actually go flat and thus benefit from it, going flat out also activates the "immobilized=wrecked" effect.


So they are 2 completely different things, one is a USR and the other is just because it is a skimmer and qualifies for its abnormal "obscured" cover save.




Its a pet peeve, but to link the 2 together due to them being the 2 most common ways of gaining a cover save in the movement phase doesn't sit right with me(yes they are both "speed" saves so what)


btw smoke launchers is another way of gaining a cover save in the movement phase

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A small thing, but Smoke Launchers are used at the end of the Shooting phase (per BRB), not during the Movement phase.


And, as people have said, the BA fast Rhino chassis vehicles do not gain cover saves for moving Flat Out.

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A small thing, but Smoke Launchers are used at the end of the Shooting phase (per BRB), not during the Movement phase.

thade, are you playing 6th edition already?

Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them (it doesn't matter how far it moved).
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A small thing, but Smoke Launchers are used at the end of the Shooting phase (per BRB), not during the Movement phase.


actually per the BRB smoke launchers are used after it completes its movement (so in the movement phase).

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A small thing, but Smoke Launchers are used at the end of the Shooting phase (per BRB), not during the Movement phase.


actually per the BRB smoke launchers are used after it completes its movement (so in the movement phase).

Pretty sure we've gone over this more than once on the board here. Consider that a Dreadnought can Run and still use Smoke (and when it Runs it moves further than it did in the Movement phase). Unless they FAQ'd this and I am forgetting? Again, it's a small thing; it impacts nothing, so you could be right and I'm okay with that. <3

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A small thing, but Smoke Launchers are used at the end of the Shooting phase (per BRB), not during the Movement phase.


actually per the BRB smoke launchers are used after it completes its movement (so in the movement phase).

Pretty sure we've gone over this more than once on the board here. Consider that a Dreadnought can Run and still use Smoke (and when it Runs it moves further than it did in the Movement phase). Unless they FAQ'd this and I am forgetting? Again, it's a small thing; it impacts nothing, so you could be right and I'm okay with that. <3

You mean like this:

Q: Can smoke launchers be used after a walker makes a Run! or consolidation move? (p62)

A: No, they can only be used in the Movement phase.


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