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Airbrush paint - Golden and Medea Com*Art


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It's becoming harder to find Vallejo Model Air paints for me. The last ones I bought were old and didn't have a great consistency. So I went to an art store in Seattle and found Golden and Com*Art with a pretty decent color range. No metallics, but you can buy 4oz bottles for 9$. Just seeing if anyone had used them before I make the investment. From what I have read from illustrators they are top quality, however, that doesn't always mean they will be great for minis. Thanks... Ash


Com*Art Colors

Golden Color

You can still use the normal Vallejo paints just thin them with windex.


Yea I do that with all my game colors, however, I am doing more and more with my airbrush and find the pre thinned paints to be nice for regular brush applications. I am basically just lazy and I am tired of mixing.


I use Golden. Very happy with them.


Thanks man, I went ahead and bought one of both and Ill see how they do. Thanks again.

I've always found the Vallejo AIR line to be totally over-rated and unreliable... but the regular Vallejo as Boramar states are really nice, especially the Vallejo Model colors, its really not much more work either.


I've used Com-ARt, Golden and Createx acrylic airbrush paints and discovered that with each of them - they are just too fragile for this work. Unless you plan to do some heavy varnishing between colors it's not worth it... that was my experience anyway. All 3 of those brands I bought in a large batch when I got my first airbrush and used them exclusively until I eventually tried actual miniature paint... yeah you have to thin but it's definitely better - for our purpose.


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