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Pre-Heresy World Eaters


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So I've had a blood angels codex, 25 assault marines, and a nilla marine army for a while. I always have way more fun playing my WE zerker heavy chaos lists though, where nilla marines feel like they move a whole 12" the whole game and just roll dice. Yawn. But blood angels seem a little more fun with doa and furious charge. But their fluff doesn't excite me at all. World eaters always has so I figure why not run ba as pre heresy we. Ding ding ding!


But I digress. Now I would like to build a list thats competitive but stays somewhat fluffy. I'm not a preheresy expert as I haven't had the time with college to read all the books, so I was hoping to turn to you guys at bcs for some ideas.


I am leaning towards a mechanized list, I have lots of rhinos, a predator, a whirlwind, 2 landraider crusaders (1 magnetized for godhammer pattern) and 4 assault cannon land speeders.


Some of the rhinos are razorbacks but being wh31k appx I'm considering skipping them for rhinos with counts as death company inside. To represent the later stages of world eaters cybernetic upgrades making them blood thirsty and aggressive.


I also have the aforementioned assault marines and this is my big point of confusion. I plan on representing the 8th assault company with Khârn, and despite jetpacks being less prevalent in 31k, as the assault company I think these guys of anyone would have had access to jump packs. If I run these guys as death company it'll make them more cost effective w/o jp's as well. Question is, would they or would they not have had many jump packs? Is a DOA force unfluffy? Is a mechanized cc oriented force like how we deploy berserkers in rhinos

Or raiders more fluffy?


Also as far as modeling Khârn, would he have ever used jump packs himself? Many depictions of him show the jp harness across his chest. I was considering a counts as sanguinor for his profile, eternal warrior representing how he's still alive and lived through death itself. High ws also very accurate as well as his ability to challenge other ic's like on istvaan.


Anyways constructive comments welcome!

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I'd drop the Crusaders as they are a newer innovation and therefore not fluffy for a Pre-Heresy force, also the assault cannon speeders are a bit too modern as assault cannons were not prolific during the Heresy or beforehand. You may want to count them as Autocannons/Heavy Bolters.


You would be better off counting Khârn as Seth (The assault Marine straps you refer to are actually exposed cabling on his armour, which is a modified Mk5 suit).


This way he is a tough customer in CC, although lacking in survivability. Stick him in a squad and roll them in a LR and he'll do you proud (especially when your opponents roll 1s against him :ph34r: )

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Thanks! Seth is a great option and I dont know why I overlooked him. I kinda want to run astorath so I can run more death company, are there other preheresy characters that could fit the bill? I'm not opposed necessarily to have two hq as representing characters from preheresy times would be really cool to me.


Whats your opinion on the jetpacks? Would they be better represented as assault marines in rhinos?


Autocannon speeders sound great but I would like these guys to see tournament play someday and I just dont see that flying. I want to have a fun and playable army, so if they have an assault cannon here and there I dont think its the end of the world. I even thought of using a baal pred or two, just say since that was the time of imperial truth and scientific advancement was far more prevalent, that fitting two miniguns to a tank 29,000 years in the future from now is not an unreasonable thing to see.

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