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Abaddon the Despoiler


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Fun dude to paint, this was done up for a local player in my area, he did the assembly/conversion, I did the painting. Not the cleanest assembly/conversion, but I think it looks good. This paint was particularly difficult because I was trying a new technique for black and gold, trying to blend a little color into the black as a highlight, with out making it look like a deeper shade of the highlight color...also gold has always been a challenge for me, but I think the burnished look really cam through well on this. What are your thoughts?











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Well the balck is supposed to look flat, I had pushed the highlights to a purple-ish tone because I am sick of the hardlined gray highlights that are so common on black....I think there is just a better way to do it, and I am trying to find it.


As far as the gold goes, I could see the benifit of a sepia wash, but the mud would mute the color of the gold even more, I was trying to go for a diry, burnished gold look. Unfortunetly soome of the effect of the paint is lost in the photo's, as soon as the storm passes here I can try and take some better photos once the light is better.



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  • 2 weeks later...

an idea for gold you may like (i use it on my knights, will have to post one up for you to see):


base dwarf bronze

wash devlan mud

layer of shining gold

then wash with gryphonne sephia.


Gives a beautiful burnished gold look that i think would work really well. and fantastic with the black. how and what did you mix it with??

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an idea for gold you may like (i use it on my knights, will have to post one up for you to see):


base dwarf bronze

wash devlan mud

layer of shining gold

then wash with gryphonne sephia.


Gives a beautiful burnished gold look that i think would work really well. and fantastic with the black. how and what did you mix it with??



Thanks for that recipe...the black was done this way;


basecoat-Vallejo Black Grey


Wash x 2 Black


HIghlght- Vallejo Oxford Blue


HIghlight - Vallejo Oxford Blue + Vallejo Skin Tone.


That was it.



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I'm not a big fan of the blue skin and the gold needs some work. You should build up gold to very thin highlights of Mythril Silver to have a lot of contrast and really make the model pop. If you look at some real gold, it doesn't stay a flat color like yours does.


It looks like your metals in general are very flat and one dimensional. I don't know if it is intentional or not, but metals should have a bit of contrast; especially gold.


I love the fact that you painted the black of the model correctly even though it could probably use a highlight or two. Throw some static grass onto the base to provide a little bit more color. Your model is very dark without it.

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I'm not a big fan of the blue skin and the gold needs some work. You should build up gold to very thin highlights of Mythril Silver to have a lot of contrast and really make the model pop. If you look at some real gold, it doesn't stay a flat color like yours does.


It looks like your metals in general are very flat and one dimensional. I don't know if it is intentional or not, but metals should have a bit of contrast; especially gold.


I love the fact that you painted the black of the model correctly even though it could probably use a highlight or two. Throw some static grass onto the base to provide a little bit more color. Your model is very dark without it.


I was actually really pleased with how the gold turned out, and so was the client. Unfortunately some of the effect has been lost in the photos, but if you look at the first picture I posted, the left shoulder, that is not a reflection, that is the gold changing from one color to another through blending. If you look at the model from another angle;





You can see the transition a little better. Point taken as well about the static grass, but I was going for a rather dark and desolate look for this mini so I was trying to avoid happy colors.



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I can't really give the best criticizim about the metals without holding the model in my own hands. It just looks like flat gold that is being reflected because of the light you used to light up your camera station.


There are a lot of variations of dead static grass. Some are lighter than others, but here is an example as to what your base would look like with the static grass that I feel is the most fitting:




I painted this model years ago and the photos are crap, but you get the point.

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I really like the paint job on this. In particular the way you did the black for his armor & the face. Would you be so kind as to step us through the process used on the face?


I've been seeing a lot of your minis on here recently & have to say I really like your work.



Thanks for the feedback, I apreciate it. As far as the face goes I used the same method on this face as I did on my Lysander face;




It is suprisginly easy and just takes a little patience. Basically I use a foundation color, and a highlight color and some GW wash.


In the case of this model I basecoated the model in Vallejo Blue Gray. Then the wash was Azureman Blue and Black. The highlight was Vallejo Sky Gray mixed with a touch of Blue Gray, about a 4:1 ratio.


Now the trick to making it look good is to use the wash like you would if you were wet blending, dont just glob and blob, that will look thick and unrealistic. It takes a little practice to learn to use the washes like paints, but in the end I think the effect look very natual.



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