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Wound Allocation Order of Operations


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As this has been be seen quoted in many cc rules topics it seems sensible to sticky it for posterity (or 6th until edition changes it).


So, here it is:


Frosty's Wound Allocation Order of Operations


  1. Enemy Rolls to hit
  2. Enemy Rolls to wound
  3. Apply one wound to each MODEL until each model has one wound, Then Apply a second, third, and so on until there are no more wounds to allocate.
  4. Separate wounded models into different identical groups based on wargear and profile (so all marines with just a bolter in one group, ones with a boltpistal/ccw in another, plasmaguns in another, sergeants in another and so on)
  5. Roll armor saves for each GROUP
  6. Within each group apply wounds in such a way to remove the maximum amount of models/wounds possible (for example instant death goes on the ones with the most wounds remaing), extra wounds do NOT carry over into other groups, they are lost.



Thanks to Frosty to putting it down in b+W :yes:.




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