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Falling Back, Cannot Rally...Go to ground?


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BRB's at home, and I looked this up at the club on Sunday quickly and adjucated. Now I'm not sure and it's buggin me.


A unit is Falling Back and an enemy unit is close enough that they will continue to do so. The enemy unit fires upon the Falling Back unit.

  • Can the falling back unit go to ground?
  • If it does, does it continue to fall back a turn later? Or has it effectively rallied?


We essentially ruled that Yes they can and they Rally...and now I'm thinking that - while they can go to ground (nothing says they cannot) - I'm thinking that after they free up from being Pinned they continue to run (if an enemy unit is close enough, or if they're small enough,e tc). Thoughts?

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IIRC, this is covered in the FAQ. No going to ground while fleeing.


EDIT: Checked, nothing of the sort in the FAQ. Will dig out my rulebook, pretty sure fleeing units can't take any actions aside from fleeing and shooting. Will report in asap.


EDIT II: Aha! Page 46. Units falling back may not go to ground and automatically pass Pinning tests.

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