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wondering what kind of shceme to use/trying to figure out ho


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Okay i decided to strip my ultra smurfs of thier colors to repourpose them as renagade marines for my chaos army im try to decide what kind of color scheme to paint them, they're renagade ultramarines that joined up with a pysedo worbearer-esque color scheme army, they are always going nto be used as fodder in any of my chaos lists. Aside from that i have a couple other models i dont know what to convert them too because they are specialised models, i have a space marine force commander with a lightning claw and storm bolter and a apothacary from the space marine command squad.


Also im tradeing a necron command barge for a land radier with flamestorm cannons, to be heavly converted into a chaos land raider, i have enough green stuff to turn the flame storm cannons and assault gun into daemonic las cannons and a heavy bolter. what more could i do to it im was thinking of adding come blood letter torsos to the front sides next to the assualt ramp, to act as gargoyle statues, a couple bezerkers armed with bolters to the top, taking a extra space wolf torso and adding it as a corpse to the side of it, and giving the melta gunner horns. what else could i do to it


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