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Ahriman Inspired Army


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Hey Guys,


I began collecting Thousand sons a few years back but have decided to build an army focused solely on Ahriman and his background. I read the Thousand Sons novel last year (loved it) and was inspired to focus my gaming around Ahriman. I think I've read most of the background and fluff available but still wanted everyone's expect opinion in case I missed something.


As such, I'm searching for ideas about how I should go about doing this. I'm considering keeping my army color as pre-heresy TS crimson since Ahriman was exiled for trying to save his brothers from the chaos mutations. Since he was exiled, I don't see him keeping the TS blue/gold but instead reverting to the crimson from their glory days.


I see Ahriman as directly opposed to the Emperor but not fully warped and twisted by Chaos like the rest of the marines. The army I'm planning to build is Ahrimans Chosen that have followed him instead of Magnus. They are searching the galaxy for artifacts and knowledge (and revenge against the Space Wolves of course).


What do you think would be suitable units to take in this army? I'm thinking regular marines with a handful of rubrics that he has brought with him. Tons of sorcerers for leadership of course. I'm thinking demons would be completely out since he is opposed to the warping effects of Chaos? What about bikers, raptors, defilers etc? Any suggestions or modeling ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm open to all ideas!


Thanks guys

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Personally i'd see him benefiting with more an Iron Warrior army style approach, heavy mechanical, use deamon energies and etc to power their vehicles (so they use the warp and arent abused by it) sorcerors help marines keep super strength and killyness (aka bezerker traits) but with the sorcerors warding of warp effects like total mental instability and warp spawn.....ism.
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