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subsequent turns of combat with a vehicle

angry man

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this came up in game i had tonight and we werent entirely sure on what was legal/valid as far as the rules are concerned. so let me set the scene...


he podded a dread down in turn 1 which pranced around not doing a huge amount other than annoying me really, and all i could do in return was take an arm off...

after a few turns, it happened that the dread was in combat with some marines (lets call them squad A) not too far from the pod, and i had another squad of marines (squad B?) in the vicinity.this squad consisted of 2 marines; a meltagun and a bolter...


the pod was busy chewing on the squad A and there wasnt much else other than the pod for squad B to target - so they shoot, to little effect, and then charge the pod, strapping on krak grenades to even less effect...


in my opponents turn, the dread eats the rest of squad A and consolidates. squad B continue their poor attempts to damage the pod, as per the successive turns rule about being in combat with a non-moving vehicle.


so now its my turn again... squad B would rather throw its melta gun onto the dread, and obviously, i want to ensure im in half range, and this is where we were unsure of what route the RAW would take us with regards to my options...


Option A: move squad B, so that both remaining members are no longer in contact with the drop pod. shoot the dread...

Option B: move only the meltagun of squad B so that it ought to be within 6" of the dread, leaving the boltgun in base contact with the pod (the 2 tactical marines remain within coherency). shoot the dread...


if Option A is taken, then the squad can either stay put or assault the dread in the assault phase

if Option B is taken, the squad can also assault the dread or stay put. howver, if the squad stays put can they attack the pod...


i am still undecided as to what the correct way to proceed is, and for the purpose of that game was happy to rule that the squad was not allowed to shoot the dread and attack the pod in the assault phase. having said that other opinions/view points would be much appreciated...

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First, you are not locked in combat with the drop pod so you can move away and shoot at another target if you wish. You can even remain there in base contact and fire on a different target if you wish. You are not locked in combat so none of the "in combat" restrictions apply.


You can not assault a different target if you fired in the shooting phase. However, according to the successive turns rule on page 63, you may attack any vehicle in base contact "just as in a normal ongoing combat." Since you are not assaulting, the assault what you shoot rule does not apply. There is also no pile in move (or consolidation) so feel free to stand there in a conga line with one guy in base to base with the pod and your melta dangling at the end of the line taking shots at the dread.

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First, you are not locked in combat with the drop pod so you can move away and shoot at another target if you wish. You can even remain there in base contact and fire on a different target if you wish. You are not locked in combat so none of the "in combat" restrictions apply.


You can not assault a different target if you fired in the shooting phase. However, according to the successive turns rule on page 63, you may attack any vehicle in base contact "just as in a normal ongoing combat." Since you are not assaulting, the assault what you shoot rule does not apply. There is also no pile in move (or consolidation) so feel free to stand there in a conga line with one guy in base to base with the pod and your melta dangling at the end of the line taking shots at the dread.


This. Also I'd like to note that in subsequent assault phases with an immobile vehicle you do not get the bonus attack for charging unless you move away in the movement phase and re-charge said unit.

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And remember the pod is immobile (grenades auto-hit) and open topped (+1 to damage rolls).


Makes me wonder what was going bad for Squad B to begin with....meltagun, charge pod, grenades/fist? Nothing? The meltagun can be used every firing phase into the pod, since you are not locked with it...

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