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Bases for truescale marines?


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i have been working on truescale marines lately, and i am pretty happy with the actual results.

Only real problem is: can you have them stand on 25mm round base?

With the exception of a few poses, i am afraid, the answer is no.

So, what do u do?

I've seen most folks use terminator bases, and they work a lot better, but, alas, they're simply illegal.

So, any ideas?

I could go an modify the legs, to make them look like they're stepping on a rock or something, then model a raised scenic base that could still sit on a 25mm base, but that would, in my opinion, result in silly looking poses.

also the models would, rather often, tip over, though this is easily solved by weighting the base with metals.

Any suggestion?

That would really be appreciated.


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mine are on 30mm resin bases i got for that purpose. they are just big enough for the model and are not so huge to be overly massive and incite claims of basing for advantage.


see here:



Hey dude, heres a quick pic for size comparison,


Hope this helps,


I am familiar with the base sizes but the smaller base would have the advantages(can't be assaulted by as many models at one time. I can get allot of 25mm based models in base contact with that larger base, larger area to have center dot on a template on...ect,ect,ect.) the only advantage i can see with the larger base of squad coherency, because it would cover more area...can't see haw that would be much of a help though.

I've seen most folks use terminator bases, and they work a lot better, but, alas, they're simply illegal.

So, any ideas?

What would you think about mounting them on Termie bases and then using them in-game as an army of counts-as Draigo/Logan/Deathwing or just 'normal' Grey Knight Terminators?


That's how I have considered using Truescaled Astartes. It would also make their rules closer to the fluff.

im confused...when did a larger base become an advantage the larger base makes model placement in tight spots harder, more enemy troops can assault each model....ect,ect,ect.

When assaulting out of a vehicle, you can can move ahead 2" from the ramp (or hull if it is open topped) All you need is the back edge of the base to be within two inches. These means the front edge of your leading model is just short of 3" ahead of the vehicle. With over-sized bases you can fudge it forward more than you could if you had the normal bases. Other than the extra 1/2" disembark from a terminator base, I don't see any advantage from larger bases.


Some people will claim you can get more models into CC if you have some larger bases. Like a sergeant on a 40mm stand in base-to-base contact then everyone else just needs to be within 2" of that over sized base. But simple geometry shows that if space is limited, larger bases means fewer combatants. If you want to try for shenanigans from base size, you need a sergeant on a cavalry base.


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