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Do you mean An'ggrath the unbound? Suppose the pronounciation could be nearly "Astrogath"

He looks basically like a giant blood thirster?


If so he is huge, regular Deamonprinces or even Blood thirsters are about waist

height on him, so using him as a regular Deamon prince might feel a bit 'Weak'.


But I dont think any sensible opponent would object, he is so big anything on the board would be able to shot at him with minimum chance of cover saves. So you dont gain too much by using him.

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I guess he does not want to use the ugly winged minotaur model for good reasons.

1) it looks like a winged minotaur with a tail and manga style super deformed arms. I would never use that, it's silly and bad looking (not just for Slaaneshi demons, for all legions actually!)

2) from the OP avatar, i could say he wants to play Night Lords. That's why he is looking for something else than a ferking mutant freak.

This being said, i'd simply truescale a regular marine. You end up with something easily close to 1/35 scale. Put that on dp sized base, and here we go!

That's what i'd do, at least.

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I always wondered about getting an old model from the Inquisitor game and converting it with GS etc to make it chaosy. I think it'd be the right scale and I am pretty sure it'd work.
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Inquisitor Tyrus (from the Inquisitor specialist game) can be easily made into a heavily armored Demon Prince. Perfect for Iron Warriors and surely also suitable for different legions with a few adjustments.
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Archaon might be big enough... He is tall enough that he still looms over models in terminator armour... I'm talking about Archaon on foot... On a mount he will be even taller!


I personally do not feel Daemon Princes need to be big from a fluff perspective... Some of the powerful gifts and mutations of chaos are most insidious. If you play tournies you might have problems but if you play with friends get a 60mm base and stick your model on and maybe give some slack with LOS. Also ideally he should look like a DP and not just a chaos lord... This normally means being noticeably bigger or having a load of mutations...


I think Archaon with conversion work... and maybe wings? would be acceptable in most friendly situations... Tournies vary from event to event.

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What if I use a winged dreadnough ? (rather one with some kind of custom made Jetpack) ?

I used to have an Iron Warriors opponent who had a demon prince modeled out of a dread with a custom jumppack. Looked really good.

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Do you mean An'ggrath the unbound? Suppose the pronounciation could be nearly "Astrogath"

He looks basically like a giant blood thirster?

Actually, it's Astrogath.


Dude, you linked to a page with the words Astorath the Grim in big red letters and still managed to spell the damn name wrong!

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