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Ice Marines


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Hey Everyone,


First post on the forum. Signed up here a long time ago, but then got out of the hobby. Anyway, now I'm back, and I'm in the early stages of making an Ice themed Space Marine army, just in time for winter...


I took the picture with my phone, so it looks fairly bad, but it's better than nothing.




The champion looking guy in the middle is nearly finished (except the base, the sword, the eagle on his chest, and maybe the shield). The other two are still a work in progress. They will both be painted exactly like the fellow in the middle.

Please let me know what you think. I want to get the scheme just right before I start painting anymore troops.


PS. Progress will be slow on this army (it takes me forever to paint white). Hopefully I will be posting more pictures in the coming weeks.



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Yea, it's suppose to be shading. It's actually a dark blue, not black. It comes out looking much darker in the picture than it does in person.


When I first painted it, my intention was to thin it down more, but then I kinda decided I liked the thickness of the shading, so I left it. After looking at it in the picture though, I may go ahead and thin it down.


Thanks for the input.

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I was thinking exactly the same thing. I think that you should do them as Praetors of Orpheus. You certainly have the same good looking colors on them and you can get metal shoulder pads from GW for them. They are a good looking chapter with some interesting background.

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Definitely something you don't see every day- well done on the scheme and on your painting as well. It reminds me of a chapter someone created years ago called "unsung heroes" or something along the lines for some GW contest (if someone can link i'd be much obliged- i can't seem to find anything).
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Hey guys,


Thanks for the warm welcome and all the positive feedback, I really appreciate it. Definitely feels great to be back in the hobby.


For those of you asking about what chapter I intend to make this army, I think I am going to go ahead and do a DIY chapter, mainly because I like the idea of creating my own background info and whatnot.


That being said, the Praetors of Orpheus look like an awesome chapter, so who knows, I may change my mind later on and go with them if I can't think of a good name/background for my army. We'll see.


And as far as a guide for the white/ice blue painting is concerned, I may try and take some WIP pictures of the painting process and put together a little tutorial. I'll make that once I get the color scheme exactly how I want it.


Now, I have a question for you guys. I'm not too sure where I want to go with this army yet. I was thinking of making it a fairly small force, built for stealthy operations. There wouldn't be any heavy support type units or tanks of any sort. Just a small maneuverable force made for quick in and out missions. Maybe two 8 man squads, a command squad, and a few light vehicles.


Anyway, my question is, can any of you think of some good ways to make the army look more "stealthy"? The only conversion I can think of would be silencers on the bolters. Also, what would be a fast, stealthy vehicle that would fit in with the army? I have a landspeeder right now, but is there anything else that would be better suited for icy terrain?


If the whole stealthy theme doesn't work out, I'll probably just go ahead and make it a standard, well rounded army.


If anyone could give me some advice, I'd really appreciate it.


Thanks again everyone.



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Bikes would be suitable for quick missions. Not so sure about the ice part though. Jetbikes immediately come to mind as a vehicle fitting your concept.



this is the way i see it too, model it around the raven guard and white scars way to build and army, they are the most notable for speed and stealth fighting respectively


edit: the space wolves have no problem fielding all sorts of tanks, armour and troops and no other space marine army seems to have problems deploying in a snow setting, so i say find a them you like and go with that.


i also remember a big space wolves display piece with lots of nids on it and they where on a snow fortress setting so i would say that it really doesnt matter what you pick in your force

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Hey Everyone,


Quick update. Did a little more work on the sergeant. He's not finished yet, but is getting close.




And here is a Space marine I was working on earlier. He's very much still a WIP. I was trying out a different paint scheme on him, but didn't really like it. I'm going to go ahead and paint him the same way as the others. I'll take a better photo when he's finished.




Hope you like them. I'll be posting more updates soon.




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Great scheme! Very "icy chill of death". Not to get off topic but, since no one else has yet, I'm compelled to gleefully point out the Game of Thrones reference in the thread title! Awesome series. *Breathes, regains composure* and...back to the awesome Marines. Any tips on that icy blue/white? It's really cool and I'm absolutely terrible at white.
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