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Ice Marines


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  • 11 months later...

Hey Everyone,


Hard to believe, but these have been chilling in my closet for about a year now. Figured it's time to restart and finish this army.


Small update:

Some WIP marines:



WIP commander (Needs a lot of work still. White paint started to gunk up too, gotta fix that):



Glad to be working on this project again.  Let me know what you think.



I really enjoy the skin tone you've got going, like the one on the heavy bolter marine.  I don;t knoe how you've done it, but yuor white is almost like a sepia tone, but in white and greys....Very coool (pun intended) looking arm, and very unique! 

@Ada - Thanks! I really tried to make the commander look like he is charging into battle. Glad you like the color scheme.


@furioso-prime - Haha, yea, the white is pretty creamy. Comes from lots of watered down layers. Thanks for the comment!


@Yosef Hausakluif - I was trying to make the skin tone pretty pale/dead/frosted, like Darth Vader's face when his helmet gets removed by Luke Skywalker.  Seemed like a fitting skin tone for marines that have been wandering the arctic wastelands of deep space haha.


Hopefully more pics soon!



Neat!  It's always nice to see someone bold enough to take on a white paint scheme and actually manage good results to boot. 


I feel you may have gone overboard on the Chapter Master though.  The slender torso, while cool, is the only thing on him not bulked out and blocky.  It makes for a very awkward silhouette.  I could take or leave the wings too.


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