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How many kill points?


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How many Kill Points does a squadron of 2 vehicles give when it dies?


Also , if a unit takes a dedicated transport , do you have to kill the transport also for 1 KP? Or does the vehicle count as a separate KP?

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In the definition of Killpoint.


you get a killpoint for completely destroying a unit. Special exceptions for IC and retinues (which count as seperate units for kill point purposes even when joined).



A transport is its own unit, it can act completely independently of the unit it was taken for. Thus it is its own unit and its own killpoint. A squadran is a single unit made up of several vehicles, thus all vehicles in the squadren need to be destroyed to completely destroy the unit. When you split a marine squad into combat squads each combat squad is its own seperate unit and thus each is worth a killpoint. When guard combine squads together they become a single unit and are only worth a single killpoint.

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In a similar vein, I played IG recently and apparently they can amalgamate all their troops so you have to destroy several squads of infantry AND their HQ unit for just one kill point, is that right?


A lot of fledgling IG players get this mechanic dead wrong. Here's how it actually works:


One of the IG book's Troops selections is an "Infantry Platoon". This squad consists of 1 Platoon Command Squad, 2-6 Infantry Squads, 0-3 Heavy Weapons Squads, 0-3 Special Weapons Squads, and 0-1 Conscripts squads.

The minimum FOC selection is 30 men 25 men (one Platoon Command Squad, and two Infantry Squads).


When the IG player deploys this FOC selection, they can combine or split as many Infantry Squads as they like from that FOC slot. It's Infantry Squads only, though. They cannot combine the Platoon Command Squad, Heavy Weapons Squads, Special Weapons Squads, or a Conscript Squad into that "blob" of Infantry Squads. They also cannot cross FOC slots. If you take one Platoon with 3 Infantry Squads, and another with two, the best you'll get is one blob of 20, and one blob of 30.

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A lot of fledgling IG players get this mechanic dead wrong. Here's how it actually works:


One of the IG book's Troops selections is an "Infantry Platoon". This squad consists of 1 Platoon Command Squad, 2-65 Infantry Squads, 0-35 Heavy Weapons Squads, 0-3 Special Weapons Squads, and 0-1 Conscripts squads.

The minimum FOC selection is 30 men 25 men (one Platoon Command Squad, and two Infantry Squads).


When the IG player deploys this FOC selection, they can combine or split as many Infantry Squads as they like from that FOC slot. It's Infantry Squads only, though. They cannot combine the Platoon Command Squad, Heavy Weapons Squads, Special Weapons Squads, or a Conscript Squad into that "blob" of Infantry Squads. They also cannot cross FOC slots. If you take one Platoon with 3 Infantry Squads, and another with two, the best you'll get is one blob of 20, and one blob of 30.


sorry only have 1 hand atm, made a few corrections for you.

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Makes me wish there was a IG forum here to help those new IG players. Damn that Codex is good though... very few head scratcher rules. Biggest one I have seen/heard of is Vendettas/Valks coming in from reserve/outflanking and having parts of this huge model hanging off the table edge. I hear there is the same issue for the Thunderhawk. I have heard of people arguing that if a weapon on a wing is hanging off the table edge, that it can't fire because they can't in return target it. Sounds like some silly stuff to me.
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That makes a lot more sense, it just didn't sound right when having rolled for kill points he proudly made a large sweeping hand gesture and said:


"Aaaaallllll this is one kill point!"


Luckily I managed to get Lysander and his tactical terminator friends into his lines, bolter drill followed by a charge does wonders!

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Makes me wish there was a IG forum here to help those new IG players. Damn that Codex is good though... very few head scratcher rules. Biggest one I have seen/heard of is Vendettas/Valks coming in from reserve/outflanking and having parts of this huge model hanging off the table edge. I hear there is the same issue for the Thunderhawk. I have heard of people arguing that if a weapon on a wing is hanging off the table edge, that it can't fire because they can't in return target it. Sounds like some silly stuff to me.


Thats been squashed thanks to the most recent FAQ though! Can no longer do this. In fact, its virtually impossible to get a vendetta/valk on by moving 6". You need to move more.

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