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Slaanesh army for fluff zealot


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So, Night Lords are effectively ruined by CSM 2007 and by few very popular novels, they are abominations and horrors no more, just a bunch of superhuman criminals. I need to move to something that is abomination and horror. Emperor's Children are the most obvious choice, but I need few advices from you, experienced sinners...


1. I am against lash and not a big fan of Daemon Prince, what other kind of HQ worth taking? Lord with DW and wings, or Sorc with wings and Warptime? Or Termolord in LR?


2. Is it possible to run full Noise Marines army or I still need few meltas here and there to patch those Land Raiders?


3. Raptors worth it for EC?


4. Is Lord on snivel viable or it would not survive long enough because of size and cavalry type?


5. Are you using standard stand-and-shoot tactics with rhino rush or there are other interesting options?


6. What do you think about CSM 2003, where you could give blastmasters to havocs, predators and others? It is overpriced, yes, but it allows really fluffy armies, doesn't it?

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1. I am against lash and not a big fan of Daemon Prince, what other kind of HQ worth taking? Lord with DW and wings, or Sorc with wings and Warptime? Or Termolord in LR?

Lash and especially daemon princes are strong points of the codex but if you don't want to use those, then I think lord/daemon weapon/wings and possibly combi-melta is the best option. Instant death weapons tend to make people worried and I6 is nothing to sneeze at either.


2. Is it possible to run full Noise Marines army or I still need few meltas here and there to patch those Land Raiders?

Its entirely possible to do full noise marines as troops if you look at your elite/heavy sections for your anti-tank. Termicide squads would be required as would some sort of long range anti tank like obliterators or combi predators.


3. Raptors worth it for EC?

Only as MSU for 2x meltaguns but even then I'd rather have terminators do that.


4. Is Lord on snivel viable or it would not survive long enough because of size and cavalry type?

Not sure what a snivel is but by your context I'm assuming you meant the mount. Its viable but more difficult to play well when compared to wings and hiding in a rhino.


5. Are you using standard stand-and-shoot tactics with rhino rush or there are other interesting options?

There are lots of interesting things to do with rhinos, mobile walls and tank shocking units off objectives being some of the more common.


6. What do you think about CSM 2003, where you could give blastmasters to havocs, predators and others? It is overpriced, yes, but it allows really fluffy armies, doesn't it?

Its no big secret that most Chaos players were happier with the previous codex as it did a better job of representing the various legions.

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I am against lash and not a big fan of Daemon Prince, what other kind of HQ worth taking? Lord with DW and wings, or Sorc with wings and Warptime? Or Termolord in LR?

well your not going to like it because the DP is the best HQ. the lord with the demon weapon is ok vs armies with lots of multi wound models[or rather 2 lords are ok to charge in kill as many as they can and die from the return strikes]. sorc plain suck . lower out put of dmg then a DP with warp time [for bigger cost] , lash works better on DPs.


terminator armored HQs are not viable no matter what mark they have.


2. Is it possible to run full Noise Marines army or I still need few meltas here and there to patch those Land Raiders?

well if you want to run just NM then you have 0 anti tank . the blast master costs like 2 psycanons but works like half a one and can be taken as single choice per unit , makes no sense for units bigger then 5 dudes etc. Just like 1ksons the only anwser is oblits . preds are too easy to stun . taking termicid with icon of slanesh is wasting points , same with units of chosen [5 meltas in a rhino] or havocks with AC[which while good at anti rhino do nothing to av14 of course ] . technicly you could run 10 csm with 2 melta and IoS , but A they stop being slannesh when the icon dude dies , MoCG is a better option for them . If it is just counts as then one may as well use 5 man pms with 2 melta which are more cost efficient.


3. Raptors worth it for EC?

considering they arent realy worth it in normal chaos builds[because termicid is cheaper and chosen with 5 melta kill more at least technicly] ,then not realy . No way to make them troops high models standing out from behind rhinos , you would be forced to run a babysitter HQ with them .etc etc .


4. Is Lord on snivel viable or it would not survive long enough because of size and cavalry type?

kind of a depands what viable means . its a counter HQ [just like a DP] you run them in pairs sit in a unit when you think you will get off a charge you leave the unit of NM you been siting in and charge something like orc nobs or paladins [hoping you dont roll 1 ] . A bit longer reach then the DP , but you can be ID.

5. Are you using standard stand-and-shoot tactics with rhino rush or there are other interesting options?

either you play 8-10 dudes no sonics syren and fist champs so like a zerker build with a gimik that works once per every player at best or you play water warrior with 8-10 sonic blaster squads and 5 man blast master ones. both use oblits both use DP . the 5 mans sometimes find their way in to the assault list as points fillers . Generaly speaking NM builds are like GK only without a codex , the tons of special rules and force weapons .



6. What do you think about CSM 2003, where you could give blastmasters to havocs, predators and others? It is overpriced, yes, but it allows really fluffy armies, doesn't it?

yes or you could run 6 man nm squads with plasma with infiltration and use it to demon bomb , maybe with a biker lord support or 2x3 biker unit. good times .

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