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Grizzly company

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This might seem quite stupid, but I would like to know where to find the right bits; and where else to ask than at Bolter and Chainsword? I am making a full squadron of relic dreadnoughts. You know MK I, where people could be alive in them...


No matter, I have found the perfect body for them. It is the Grizzly exosuit from the Starship troopers board game. They are of a nice size and they look human made. The only situation I have is that I want them to look even better. I was wondering if someone knew of where I could find a helmet to mount on them that was somewhat related to the venerable dreadnought's face. Also I would like to find a box set that would have an arm that would have a pose like the one on pic 2, but much more bulky.


The idea is that I would have a sergeant sticking his sword into the ground and a finger pointed in a general direction. Then I would have another with a mounted auto-cannon, then two with missile packs, and one wielding ha hammer like in pic 3. I already have the hammer and the auto cannon, but I cannot find a bit for the sergeant.


These would be for fluff battles of coarse, but I am playing with guys who want to do some fluff wars. So, why not.


Does anyone have an idea where I could find the helms, or the arm?





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